DXM Calculators
A DXM calculator is an electronic or mechanical device that performs arithmetic computations to help users determine DXM dosages for desired plateaus. All listed values by dxm calculators are for reference only. Information produced by calculators may vary and is not guaranteed. None of these calulators are programed to consider absorbtion rates, food intake, or possible combonations.
[top]Dextroverse's Plateau Calculator
Written by AmadeusX, this calculator is located a few clicks away at the dextroverse's "What is DXM?". Enter your weight in Lbs or Kgs. Choose a syrup type: Robitussin Maximum Strength Cough, Robitussin Honey Cough, Generic 15mg/tsp Syrup, Generic 10mg/tsp Syrup, or Vicks 44 Cough Relief. Choose a desired destination: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th plateau... and Calculate! Output comes in Mg of DXM and Oz of syrup.
[top]Windows based calculators
Download a nice Windows DXM Calculator to help with plateau calculations. Written by SonOfAGun, this calculator features:
• 15% tolerance function.
• US Pounds and Metric Kiligrams
• Number of tsp/tablets
• 17 types of Syrup and Custom input
• 3 kinds of extractions
. Agent Lemon
. Coricidin Extraction
. Sucrets Extraction
• Code for perl based calc submitted by |cfh| in December, 2005
How to for Windows:
1st: Toss it in a file ( calc.pl )
( Required: Here)
( Place the file calc.pl in c:\ )
( Open a command window and go to the folder where the file is )
Ex: Start -> Run -> ( Type: cmd ( if on NT/2k/XP/2k3) - Type: command (If on 95/98 )
Code: cd c:\ calc.pl weight lb/kg plateau Code: #!C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe
# Install Active Perl: http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/ # # Please visit: http://www.dextroverse.org/whatis.html # Based off the javascript based DXM Calculator # code by: |cfh|
# Weight : pounds or kilograms ? # [0] Kg ( Default ) , [1] Choice: Kg/Lb , [2] Plateau, [3] Result: Kg/Lb
@magic=($ARGV[0],$ARGV[1],$ARGV[2]); if ($magic[1] eq "lb") { $magic[3]=$magic[0]*.45; } else { $magic[3]=$magic[0]; }
# Dosage : A = 1 - B = 2 - C = 3 - D = 4 ( Plateau ) # Min, Max, Rec
@ADose=(1.5,2.5,2); @BDose=(2.5,7.5,6.4); @CDose=(7.5,15,10); @DDose=(15,20,18);
# Heres where the magic happens :
if ($magic[2] eq 1) { print "1st Plateau for a $magic[0] $magic[1] person:\n"; print ("Minimum: ",$magic[3]*$ADose[0],"mg","\n"); print ("Maximum: ", $magic[3]*$ADose[1],"mg","\n"); print ("Recreational: ", $magic[3]*$ADose[2],"mg","\n"); } elsif ($magic[2] eq 2) { print "2nd Plateau for a $magic[0] $magic[1] person:\n"; print ("Minimum: ", $magic[3]*$BDose[0],"mg","\n"); print ("Maximum: ", $magic[3]*$BDose[1],"mg","\n"); print ("Recreational: ", $magic[3]*$BDose[2],"mg","\n"); } elsif ($magic[2] eq 3) { print "3rd Plateau for a $magic[0] $magic[1] person:\n"; print ("Minimum: ", $magic[3]*$CDose[0],"mg","\n"); print ("Maximum: ", $magic[3]*$CDose[1],"mg","\n"); print ("Recreational: ", $magic[3]*$CDose[2],"mg","\n"); } elsif ($magic[2] eq 4) { print "4th Plateau for a $magic[0] $magic[1] person:\n"; print ("Minimum: ", $magic[3]*$DDose[0],"mg","\n"); print ("Maximum: ", $magic[3]*$DDose[1],"mg","\n"); print ("Recreational: ", $magic[3]*$DDose[2],"mg","\n"); } else { print "Usage: ./script.pl weight lb/kg plateau\n"; } How to for *nix:
Code: #!/usr/bin/perl
# Please visit: http://www.dextroverse.org/whatis.html # Based off the javascript based DXM Calculator # code by: |cfh|
# Weight : pounds or kilograms ? # [0] Kg ( Default ) , [1] Choice: Kg/Lb , [2] Plateau, [3] Result: Kg/Lb
@magic=($ARGV[0],$ARGV[1],$ARGV[2]); if ($magic[1] eq "lb") { $magic[3]=$magic[0]*.45; } else { $magic[3]=$magic[0]; }
# Dosage : A = 1 - B = 2 - C = 3 - D = 4 ( Plateau ) # Min, Max, Rec
@ADose=(1.5,2.5,2); @BDose=(2.5,7.5,6.4); @CDose=(7.5,15,10); @DDose=(15,20,18);
# Heres where the magic happens :
if ($magic[2] eq 1) { print "1st Plateau for a $magic[0] $magic[1] person:\n"; print ("Minimum: ",$magic[3]*$ADose[0],"mg","\n"); print ("Maximum: ", $magic[3]*$ADose[1],"mg","\n"); print ("Recreational: ", $magic[3]*$ADose[2],"mg","\n"); } elsif ($magic[2] eq 2) { print "2nd Plateau for a $magic[0] $magic[1] person:\n"; print ("Minimum: ", $magic[3]*$BDose[0],"mg","\n"); print ("Maximum: ", $magic[3]*$BDose[1],"mg","\n"); print ("Recreational: ", $magic[3]*$BDose[2],"mg","\n"); } elsif ($magic[2] eq 3) { print "3rd Plateau for a $magic[0] $magic[1] person:\n"; print ("Minimum: ", $magic[3]*$CDose[0],"mg","\n"); print ("Maximum: ", $magic[3]*$CDose[1],"mg","\n"); print ("Recreational: ", $magic[3]*$CDose[2],"mg","\n"); } elsif ($magic[2] eq 4) { print "4th Plateau for a $magic[0] $magic[1] person:\n"; print ("Minimum: ", $magic[3]*$DDose[0],"mg","\n"); print ("Maximum: ", $magic[3]*$DDose[1],"mg","\n"); print ("Recreational: ", $magic[3]*$DDose[2],"mg","\n"); } else { print "Usage: ./script.pl weight lb/kg plateau\n"; } ( Place the code in a calc.pl file )
( Open a shell and cd to the directory where the file is )
Code: chmod u+x calc.pl ./calc.pl weight lb/kg plateau ( Note: You may need to change the path to where your perl executable is located, or you may have to install perl. ( apt-get/swaret/emerge/etc it ) )
Quote: $ ./calc.pl 150 lb 1
1st Plateau for a 150 lb person:
Minimum: 101.25mg
Maximum: 168.75mg
Recreational: 135mg | Quote: $ ./calc.pl 67.5 kg 1
1st Plateau for a 67.5 kg person:
Minimum: 101.25mg
Maximum: 168.75mg
Recreational: 135mg |
• Batch based calculator and trip logger submitted by dextromancer in March 2008.
How to:
1st: Open notepad
2nd: Save code as dxm_calc.bat
3nd: File becomes excecutable
Code: @echo off mode 55, 10
::var set y=0 set kg=0 set lb=0 set min=0 set max=0 set avg=0 set ech0=0 set dose=0 set mass=0 set note=... set name=anonymous set plat=0 set unit=g set input=0 set music=*.wma set scale=0 set inputt=0 set weight=0 set gravity=1
:music set music=%SystemDrive%\Windows\system32\oobe\images\t itle.wma if exist %music% goto mplay if not exist %music% goto title
:mplay ::music is off ::start %music% goto title
:title mode 55, 10 color 78 cls echo. echo. echo. echo dxm_calc.bat by dextromancer o_0 pause>nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo dxm_calc.bat by dextromancer -_- ping localhost -n 1 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo dxm_calc.bat by dextromancer o_0 ping localhost -n 2 >nul goto logdir
:gravity ::multiple of earth gravity :: sun 27.9 :: mercury 0.3770 :: venus 0.9032 :: earth 1 :: moon 0.1655 :: mars 0.3895 :: jupiter 2.64 :: saturn 1.139 :: uranus 0.917 :: neptune 1.148 :: pluto 0.0621
:formulas :: for refrence only set /a kg=2.20462262 * %lb% set /a lb=0.45359237 *%kg% set /a weight= mass * %gravity%
:logdir if exist o_0 goto name if not exist o_0 md o_0
:name cls set ech0=1 :name1 echo. set /a ech0=%ech0% + 1 if %ech0% LSS 4 goto name1 if %ech0% GEQ 4 goto name2 :name2 echo What is your name? set ech0=1 goto name3 :name3 echo. set /a ech0=%ech0% + 1 if %ech0% LSS 6 goto name3 if %ech0% GEQ 6 goto name4 :name4 set /p name= echo %date% %time% %name% >>o_0/name_log.txt goto menu
:menu mode 55,10 set input=clear echo. echo. echo. echo welcome to the menu! echo. echo 1. calculator 2. triplogger 3. more info? echo. set /p input= please select and option. if %input%==1 set scale=1 if %input%==1 goto calculator if %input%==2 set scale=2 if %input%==2 goto triplogger if %input%==3 goto info0 echo. set /p input=errorcode bWFpbg0K: invalid entry! goto menu
:info0 mode 78,15 echo. echo calculator echo n. An electronic or mechanical device that performs arithmetic computations. echo. echo triplogger echo n. A digital database to log ur confirmed computations for future reference. echo. echo dextromancer echo n. Designer and coder of the dxm calculating .bat and trip logging database. echo. echo %name% echo n. Current user logged into the dxm_calculator.bat, searching for more info. echo. pause goto menu
:calculator mode 55,10 set input=clear echo. if %scale%==2 echo "the hourglass is filled with robitussin" if %scale%==1 echo. echo. echo method of measurement! echo. echo 1. metric kilogram 2. english pounds 3. information!? echo.
set /p input= please select and option. if %input%==1 goto kgs if %input%==2 goto lbs if %input%==3 goto info1 echo. set /p input=errorcode Y2FsYw0K: invalid entry! goto calculator
:info1 mode 77,17 echo. echo kilogram or kg echo n. The base unit of mass in the International System, equal to 1,000 grams. echo. echo pound or lb echo n. A unit of weight equal to 16 ounces (453.592 g) or 0.45359237 kilograms. echo. echo assorted formulas: echo. echo 1kg = 2.20462262lb echo. echo 1lb = 0.45359237kg echo. echo weight = mass * gravity echo. pause goto calculator
:kgs echo. set unit=kilograms set /p kg=how many %unit% do you weight? set /a lb=(%kg% * 22046 + 5000) / 10000 if %lb% LEQ %kg% goto a2lsbw0K if %scale%==1 goto qplate if %scale%==2 goto dosage
:lbs echo. set unit=pounds set /p lb=how many %unit% do you weight? set /a kg=(%lb% * 4536 + 5000)/10000 if %kg% LEQ 0 goto bGJzIA0K if %scale%==1 goto qplate if %scale%==2 goto dosage
:a2lsbw0K echo. echo errorcode a2lsbw0K: invalid entry! ::returns negative number echo. pause goto kgs
:bGJzIA0K echo. echo errorcode bGJzIA0K: invalid entry! ::returns negative number or 0 echo. pause goto lbs
:qplate cls set plat=gnd echo. echo Dextromethorphan C18H25NO echo. echo 1. first 2. second echo 3. third 4. fourth echo Q.plateau information echo. set /p plat= choose your desired destination.
if %plat%==1 goto qplat1 if %plat%==2 goto qplat2 if %plat%==3 goto qplat3 if %plat%==4 goto qplat4 if %plat%==Q goto dxmfaq if %plat%==q goto dxmfaq goto qplate
:dxmfaq ::ALTERNATIVE LINKS COMMENTED OUT FOR FUTURE ::start http://dextroverse.org/wiki/plateaus start http://www.lycaeum.org/drugs.old/synthetics/dxm/faq/dxm_experience.html#toc.5.2 goto qplate
:qplat1 :: 1.5-2.5 mg/kg echo. echo your weight is: %lb%lb or %kg%kg echo. set /a min=15*%kg%/10 set /a max=25*%kg%/10 set /a avg=(%min% + %max%)/2 +1 echo minimum dosage: %min%mg echo average dosage: %avg%mg echo maximum dosage: %max%mg echo. pause goto trip
:qplat2 :: 2.5-7.5 mg/kg echo. echo your weight is: %lb%lb or %kg%kg echo. set /a min=25*%kg%/10 set /a max=75*%kg%/10 set /a avg=(%min% + %max%)/2 +1 echo minimum dosage: %min%mg echo average dosage: %avg%mg echo maximum dosage: %max%mg echo. pause goto trip
:qplat3 ::7.5-15 mg/kg echo. echo your weight is: %lb%lb or %kg%kg echo. set /a min=75*%kg%/10 set /a max=150*%kg%/10 set /a avg=(%min% + %max%)/2 +1 echo minimum dosage: %min%mg echo average dosage: %avg%mg echo maximum dosage: %max%mg echo. pause goto trip
:qplat4 ::15-20 mg/kg echo. echo your weight is: %lb%lb or %kg%kg echo. set /a min=150*%kg%/10 set /a max=200*%kg%/10 set /a avg=(%min% + %max%)/2 +1 echo minimum dosage: %min%mg echo average dosage: %avg%mg echo maximum dosage: %max%mg or 20 mg/kg echo. start http://www.lycaeum.org/drugs.old/synthetics/dxm/faq/side_effects.html#toc.6.10 pause goto trip
:trip echo. set /p inputt=do you want to log this trip? if %inputt%==1 goto dosage if %inputt%==y goto dosage if %inputt%==yes goto dosage if %inputt%==0 goto qover if %inputt%==n goto qover if %inputt%==no goto qover pause>nul
:qover cls echo. echo. echo. echo GAME OVER! echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. pause goto menu
::TRIP LOGGER ADDON :triplogger set scale=2 goto calculator
:dosage echo. set dose=0 set /p dose=how many miligrams do you wish to dose? if %dose%== 0 goto nodoz goto lp
:lp set /a y=(%dose%*10) / (%kg%) if %y% GEQ 15 goto climb goto nodoz
:nodoz set plat=gnd set note=nodoz goto log
:climb echo. if %y% LEQ 25 goto lvl1 if %y% LEQ 75 goto lvl2 if %y% LEQ 150 goto lvl3 if %y% LEQ 200 goto lvl4 echo err0r miscalculation! wtf! dxm overkill! echo. pause if %unit%==kilograms goto kgs if %unit%==pounds goto lbs goto triplogger
:lvl1 set plat=1 goto log
:lvl2 set plat=2 goto log
:lvl3 set plat=3 goto log
:lvl4 set plat=4 goto log
:log echo %date% %time% lvl:%plat% wt:%kg%kg dex:%dose%mg "%note%" %name% >>o_0/triplog.txt start o_0/triplog.txt goto title
• Python 2.6.5 based calculator submitted by xadrith in January 2012.
To run this calculator, a Window's executable can be directly downloaded.
For Linux users:
1. Copy entirety of text.
2. Create a new gedit document.
3. Paste content and save as .pyw file (e.g. dexcalc.pyw)
4. Change permissions to executable.
5. Click and the program should run
You may have to download the Tkinter libraries (as this is the GUI widget interface the program is written with).
Try sudo apt-get install tk or python-tk (uncertain which one)
or searching for tk in the synaptic package manager.
For more information, see: http://wiki.python.org/moin/TkInter
Code: #!/usr/bin/python # TrippaDex v.1.1, thanks to Kane for helping out with some of the actual "programming" elements.
from Tkinter import *
class MainApp: def __init__(self, parent): self.pounds = None self.plateau = None # Heh.... Main Frame. self.myParent=parent self.f1=Frame(parent, background='black', bd=2, relief=RAISED) self.f1.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.intro=Label(self.f1, bg='black', fg='white', text="Welcome to x4dr1th's TrippaDex v1.1!", font=('Comic Sans MS', 12), height=1) self.intro.pack(side=TOP, ipadx=6, ipady=3, padx=8, pady=10) # Trying to alleviate some misplacement, therefore this frame was created to hold the top-tier button/entry-form, # underneath the titletro. self.f2=Frame(self.f1, background='black') self.f2.pack(side=TOP, pady=5) # Button and Entry widgets to get user input. Namely, their weight in pounds. self.b1=Button(self.f2, bg='black', fg='white', text='Submit', font=('Comic Sans MS', 9), bd=1, activebackground='yellow', relief=RAISED, command=self.pdataClick ) self.b1.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=NW, padx=12) self.b1.bind('<Return>', self.pdataClick_a) self.pdata=Entry(self.f2, bg="gray", fg="black", font=('Comic Sans MS', 8), selectbackground='black', selectforeground='white', bd=3, relief=SUNKEN ) self.pdata.pack(side=TOP, anchor=NE, padx=12, pady=0, ipady=4, ipadx=4) self.pdata.bind('<Return>', self.pdataClick_a) self.pdata.insert(1, 'Your weight (lbs.)') self.pdata.focus_force() # This is an experimental frame used to hold the remaining two frames: 3 and 4. self.framecon=Frame(self.f1, background='black') self.framecon.pack(side=TOP, anchor=N) # Here is the third Frame container created, it holds my plateau selection buttons. self.f3=Frame(self.framecon, background='black') self.f3.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=NW, pady=15, padx=5) # Plateau Buttons, lotta shit here
self.pbutton1=Button(self.f3, text="Plateau 1", font=("Comic Sans MS", 9), bg="black", fg="white", activebackground="cyan", command= lambda selection=1: self.platClick(selection)) self.pbutton1.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, ipadx=1, padx=3, pady=3) self.pbutton1.bind("<Return>", lambda event, selection=1, : self.platClick_a(event, selection)) self.pbutton2=Button(self.f3, text="Plateau 2", font=("Comic Sans MS", 9), bg="black", fg="white", activebackground="red", command= lambda selection=2: self.platClick(selection)) self.pbutton2.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, padx=3, pady=3) self.pbutton2.bind("<Return>", lambda event, selection=2, : self.platClick_a(event, selection)) self.pbutton3=Button(self.f3, text="Plateau 3", font=("Comic Sans MS", 9), bg="black", fg="white", activebackground="magenta", command= lambda selection=3: self.platClick(selection)) self.pbutton3.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, padx=3, pady=3) self.pbutton3.bind("<Return>", lambda event, selection=3, : self.platClick_a(event, selection)) self.pbutton4=Button(self.f3, text="Plateau 4", font=("Comic Sans MS", 9), bg="black", fg="white", activebackground="green", command= lambda selection=4: self.platClick(selection)) self.pbutton4.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, padx=3, pady=3) self.pbutton4.bind("<Return>", lambda event, selection=4, : self.platClick_a(event, selection)) # This last frame widget was created to sit side-by-side with frame3 inside frame1, it holds my # Muthafuckin TEXTBOX YO!!! self.f4=Frame(self.framecon, background='black') self.f4.pack(side=TOP, anchor=NE, ipadx=30, padx=14, pady=5) self.textbox=Text(self.f4, font=('Comic Sans MS', 8), selectbackground='black', selectforeground='white', bg='gray', fg='black', height=8.40, width=20, bd=3, relief=SUNKEN) self.textbox.insert( 1.0, """ Thanks for trying out the TrippaDex! I made this program in order to give potential Dextroverse travelers a convenient way to calculate their dosages based on weight and preferred Plateau experience. Enjoy!""") # <---- Not very pretty but it worked when other options didn't. self.textbox.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=YES, anchor=N, ipadx=15, pady=16) # This is my entry form function. It works! Thanks to some helpful advice from Kane.
def pdataClick(self): try: self.pounds = int(self.pdata.get()) print self.pounds self.textbox.delete(1.0, 'end') self.textbox.insert(END, """ Alright, you weigh %i pounds... Pick a Plateau to see where and how you wanna go...""" % self.pounds) except ValueError: self.pdata.delete(0, 'end') self.pdata.insert(1, "Please enter a number...") def pdataClick_a(self, event): print "This is just a wrappa..." self.pdataClick() # This is going to be my universal Plateau selection button function... if I can ever get the damn thing working... def platClick(self, selection): self.plateau = selection self.platname = None self.kilo = None self.kiloLow = None self.kiloHigh = None self.formLow = None self.formHigh = None self.kilo = self.pounds / 2.2 print self.kilo if self.plateau == 1: self.kiloLow = self.kilo * 1.5 self.kiloHigh = self.kilo * 2.5 self.formLow = '{0:.1f}'.format(self.kiloLow) self.formHigh = '{0:.1f}'.format(self.kiloHigh) self.platname = 'First' self.textbox.delete(1.0, 'end') self.textbox.insert(END, """ At the %s Plateau your body will become more susceptible to sounds... For your body weight a recommended dosage of %r to %r mgs is in order...""" % (self.platname , self.formLow , self.formHigh)) elif self.plateau == 2: self.kiloLow = self.kilo * 3.0 self.kiloHigh = self.kilo * 7.0 self.formLow = '{0:.1f}'.format(self.kiloLow) self.formHigh = '{0:.1f}'.format(self.kiloHigh) self.platname = 'Second' self.textbox.delete(1.0, 'end') self.textbox.insert(END, """ At the %s Plateau you begin to think in abstract terms that are hard to convey... For your body weight a recommended dosage of %r to %r mgs is in order...""" % (self.platname , self.formLow , self.formHigh)) elif self.plateau == 3: self.kiloLow = self.kilo * 7.5 self.kiloHigh = self.kilo * 13.5 self.formLow = '{0:.1f}'.format(self.kiloLow) self.formHigh = '{0:.1f}'.format(self.kiloHigh) self.platname = 'Third' self.textbox.delete(1.0, 'end') self.textbox.insert(END, """ At the %s Plateau your body will begin to disappear from consciousness... For your body weight a recommended dosage of %r to %r mgs is in order...""" % (self.platname , self.formLow , self.formHigh)) elif self.plateau == 4: self.kiloLow = self.kilo * 14.0 self.kiloHigh = self.kilo * 16.5 self.formLow = '{0:.1f}'.format(self.kiloLow) self.formHigh = '{0:.1f}'.format(self.kiloHigh) self.platname = 'Fourth' self.textbox.delete(1.0, 'end') self.textbox.insert(END, """ At the %s Plateau your brain will begin to melt... Have fun! For your body weight a recommended dosage of %r to %r mgs is in order...""" % (self.platname , self.formLow , self.formHigh)) def platClick_a(self, event, selection): self.x = selection print "This is another wrappa..." self.platClick(self.x) root = Tk() root.title('TrippaDex v1.1') root.geometry("400x300-550+250") root.resizable(FALSE, FALSE) mainapp=MainApp(root) root.mainloop()
• Download a plateau calculator for the TI-83 calculator, or view the code for it.
Code: Fix 2 Lbl M ClrHome Menu("DXMCalc","Enter Weight",1,"Calc in mg",2,"Calc in Tsp",3,"Calc in X/100",4,"Exit",5 Lbl 1 Input ("Enter weight:",L L*.45üK ClrHome Goto M Lbl 2 ClrHome Output(1,1,"1. Output(1,4,1.5K Output(1,10,"- Output(1,11,2.5K Output(2,1,"2. Output(2,4,2.6K Output(2,10,"- Output(2,11,7.5K Output(3,1,"3. Output(3,4,7.6K) Output(3,10,"- Output(3,11,15K Output(4,1,"4. ù Output(4,5,15K Pause Goto M Lbl 3 ClrHome Output(1,1,"1. Output(1,4,1.5K/15 Output(1,10,"- Output(1,11,2.5K/15 Output(2,1,"2. Output(2,4,2.6K/15 Output(2,10,"- Output(2,11,7.5K/15 Output(3,1,"3. Output(3,4,7.6K/15 Output(3,10,"- Output(3,11,15K/15 Output(4,1,"4. ù Output(4,5,15K/15 Pause Goto M Lbl 4 ClrHome Input ("Enter dose in mg:",D ClrHome Output(1,1,D/708.8*100 Output(1,6,"ô/Ð Of 8oz Output(2,1,D/354.4*100 Output(2,6,"ô/Ð Of 4oz Pause Goto M Lbl 5 DelVar D DelVar K DelVar L Float Stop • "DXM Calculators for Calculators" hosted at The Third-Plateau
Code: :ClrHome :Input "YOUR WEIGHT? ",W :ClrHome :Lbl 0 :Input "DESIRED PLATEAU? ",P :If P>4 :Then :Disp "1 TO 4, PLEASE" :Goto 0 :Else :Goto 1 :Lbl 1 :W*.45->W :(WP)^2+1.5->M :ClrHome :Output(1,1,"TAKE ") :Output(1,6,M) :Output(2,1,"MG OF DXM.")
• Code submitted by i am the najavo in December, 2004
Code: \start83P\ \comment= \protected=TRUE \name=D3XCALC \file=C:\DOCUME~1\OWNER\MYDOCU~1\DAVID'S\CALCUL~1\ D3XCALC.TXT Lbl Y ClrTable ClrDraw AxesOff Text(9,17,"d3xtromethorphan" Text(15,30,"calculator") Text(21,36,"v. 2.35" Text(34,30,"created by:" Text(40,24,"i am the navajo" Text(57,2,"Please dose appropriately..." Pause Goto X Lbl X Goto 1 Lbl 1 ClrHome Disp "Enter Weight in" Disp "Pounds (LBS.):" Input L L*.45\->\K ClrHome Goto M Lbl M Menu("D3X CALC","Calc in MG",2,"Calc in Gels",3,"Plateau Info",5,"Exit",4 Lbl 2 ClrHome Fix 2 Output(1,1,"1." Output(1,4,1.5K Output(1,10,"-" Output(1,11,2.5K Output(2,1,"2." Output(2,4,2.6K Output(2,10,"-" Output(2,11,7.5K Output(3,1,"3." Output(3,4,7.6K Output(3,10,"-" Output(3,11,15K Output(4,1,"4." Output(4,4,15K Output(4,10,"-?" Disp "","","","" Disp "Dose in mgs? " Input U Fix 0 Output(7,1,"Robogels..." Output(7,14,(U/15) Pause ClrHome Goto M Lbl 3 ClrHome Fix 2 Output(1,1,"1." Output(1,4,1.5K/15 Output(1,9,"-" Output(1,10,2.5K/15 Output(2,1,"2." Output(2,4,2.6K/15 Output(2,9,"-" Output(2,10,7.5K/15 Output(3,1,"3." Output(3,4,7.6K/15 Output(3,9,"-" Output(3,10,15K/15 Output(4,1,"4." Output(4,4,15K/15 Output(4,9,"-?" Disp "","","","" Disp "Dose in gels?" Input U Fix 0 Output(7,1,"Mgs......" Output(7,13,((U*15)) Pause ClrHome Goto M Lbl 5 Menu("Plateau Info","1st Plateau",Q,"2nd Plateau",R,"3rd Plateau",S,"4th Plateau",T,"Information",L,"Main Menu",M) Lbl L ClrDraw Text(0,0,"DXM has notably different" Text(6,0,"effects at different dosage" Text(12,0,"levels. There are 4" Text(18,0,"distinctive levels, and" Text(24,0,"we call these levels" Text(30,0,"'plateaus'. Most" Text(36,0,"recreational use happens" Text(42,0,"during the first and" Text(48,0,"second plateau." Pause Goto 5 Lbl Q ClrDraw Text(0,0,"-1st Plateau: 1.5-2.5 mg/kg" Text(12,0,"This is the weakest level." Text(18,0,"Feels slightly intoxicating," Text(24,0,"a little light headed." Text(36,0,"Some music euphoria" Text(42,0,"is noticable." Pause Goto 5 Lbl R ClrDraw Text(0,0,"-2nd Plateau: 2.5-7.5 mg/kg" Text(6,0,"This level is often compared to" Text(12,0,"being stoned and drunk at the" Text(18,0,"sametime. When this might" Text(24,0,"seem true, there is also a" Text(30,0,"noticably strong 'mental'" Text(36,0,"high also. You can have" Text(42,0,"trouble talking with slurring." Text(48,0,"And occasionally you can" Text(54,0,"have mild hallucinations." Pause Goto 5 Lbl S ClrDraw Text(0,0,"-3rd Plateau: 7.5-15 mg/kg" Text(6,0,"This level has strong" Text(12,0,"intoxications and" Text(18,0,"hallucinations. Things can" Text(24,0,"become very confusing" Text(30,0,"as your thinking processes" Text(36,0,"are disturbed. You can some-" Text(42,0,"times daze-off into your own" Text(48,0,"world, and get lost in your" Text(54,0,"your own mind." Pause Goto 5 Lbl T ClrDraw Text(0,0,"-4th Plateau: +15 mg/kg" Text(6,0,"This is the strongest level." Text(12,0,"This is a sub-anesthetic" Text(18,0,"dose, and can be compared" Text(24,0,"to a high dose of Ketamine." Text(30,0,"Your mind and body become" Text(36,0,"seperated at this level" Text(42,0,"and it can become dangerous" Text(48,0,"psychologically / physically." Text(54,0,"NEVER go past 20 mg/kg..." Pause Goto 5
Lbl 4 DelVar K DelVar L DelVar P Float Stop \stop83P\
[top]Unix Calculators
dxm.c written by John Gotts. Hosted at The Third-Plateau (2 K)
Code: */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) { int p = 0; double s, w, weight, min, max;
while ((p < 1) || (p > 4)) { printf("Enter what plateau you desire (1,2,3, or 4)....\n"); printf("? "); scanf("%d", &p); } printf("Enter your weight (lbs)....\n"); printf("? "); scanf("%lf", &w); printf("Enter strength of syrup in mg/mL....\n"); printf("? "); scanf("%lf", &s); if (p == 1) { min = 1.5; max = 2.5; } else if (p == 2) { min = 2.5; max = 7.5; } else if (p == 3) { min = 7.5; max = 15; } else if (p == 4) { min = 15; max = 0; } weight = w / 2.2; printf("The dose should range from: %6.1f mg ", weight * min); if (max) printf("to %6.1f mg\n", weight * max); else printf("on up\n"); printf("You should ingest %5.1f mL ", weight * min / s); if (max) printf("to %5.1f mL\n", weight * max / s); else { printf("on up\n"); printf("*************************************WARNING****** *****************************\n"); printf("IF YOU ARE GOING TO THE 4TH PLATEAU, YOU MUST HAVE A SOBER OBSERVER PRESENT AT\n"); printf("ALL TIMES IN CASE OF NEED FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE.\n"); } } DXM Calculator for UNIX written by pneyz. In theory however, this calculator should compile on any platform. Hosted at The Third-Plateau(3 K)
Code: /* unix-dxm.c : source code to unix-dxm 1.0.0 all code by pneyz[smoof.ganja]
Feel free to modify it or do whatever you'd like with it. I only ask to be acknowledged somewhere, and that you drop me an email ([email protected]).
You can use it in two ways, interactively or commandline. For commandline mode, type "dxm weight power", replacing weight with your weight in pounds and power with the mg/mL of the syrup. For interactive mode, just type "dxm" with no parameters.
Code is 100% portable to DOS, unix, and probably lots of other platforms.
To compiler with gcc, use the following:
gcc unix-dxm.c -s -o dxm
(it will produce an executable called "dxm").
Jah Love, pneyz ([email protected]) http://www.armory.com/~pneyz */
/*----( Includes, Defines, Typedefs, Prototypes & Global Variables )-------*/
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
/*----( Main program code is down here )-----------------------------------*/
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int weight, power, plat[4];
printf("unix-dxm 1.0.0 by pneyz[smoof.ganja] - DXM Calculator for unix\n");
if (argc != 3) { printf("Enter your weight in pounds: "); scanf("%i",&weight); printf("Enter the strength of the cough syrup in mg/mL: "); scanf("%i",&power); } /* If the commandline arguments aren't correct, go interactive. */
else { weight = atoi(argv[1]); power = atoi(argv[2]); } /* If they are correct, use them instead of prompting the user. */
weight = weight / 2.2; /* converts pounds into kilograms */
/* These lines calculate the minumum dosages to reach a plateau. */ plat[1] = (weight * 1.5) / power; plat[2] = (weight * 2.5) / power; plat[3] = (weight * 7.5) / power; plat[4] = (weight * 15) / power;
/* Now we display the dosage table. */ printf("\n\n"); printf("\tPlateau | Minimum | Maximum\n"); printf("\t--------+---------+--------\n"); printf("\t 1 | %4i | %4i\n",plat[1],plat[2]); printf("\t 2 | %4i | %4i\n",plat[2],plat[3]); printf("\t 3 | %4i | %4i\n",plat[3],plat[4]); printf("\t 4 | %4i | infinity\n",plat[4]);
return 0; }
[top]Javascript Calculators
http://dxm.awardspace.com/ This calculator was scripted by berkelsauce and submitted to The Dextroverse in March 2006. While introducing an interesting tolerance function, as well as gravity, this calculator also compares milligrams of DXM to assorted cough medicine products, even "skittles".
Darkridge's DXM Dosage Calculator is colorfully complete. Just below the link to the William White's DXM FAQ lies shameless encouragement of mild Corcidin use. "Note: Because of antihistimine product, Coricidin™ is suitable for only first and second-plateau dosage." This calculator also comes with an innovative visual dosage scale and a dosage table!
CO3's DXM Dosage Calculator is no longer available, but thanks to Internet archiving, and necromancy, it can be found here; http:///web/200804020...XM/dxmcalc.htm CO3's program uses a gray on silver color scheme, making the results harder to read. This calculator only converts your input in lbs to kg, and not vice-versa. This is because it uses the William White's and Usenet's mg/kg suggestions on plateaus and dosages to do it's calculations. Forcing your eye's to the far right of your monitor is a proper warning about products containing anything other than DXM.
The Altogether Fantastic DXM Calculator! written by Sam is also no longer available, but thanks to Internet archiving, and necromancy, it can be found here; http:///web/200102032...dxm/index.html This calculator first appeared circa 2000 and offered an alternative option to enter your weight in stones. The graph function seems to be currently out of order, and images are missing, but the code is here for a challenger to configure. Keen British comedy can be found in the variable names used for weight.
Code: <HTML> <HEAD> <BASE HREF="http://www.greenaum.demon.co.uk.wstub.archive.org/dxm/index.html">
<TITLE>DXM Calc</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var count=0; var kilofat=0; var tempnam; var scaler=0; var lowplat=new Array(5); var scales=new Array(2); var barweights=new Array(60); var graphbars=new Array(11);
scales[0]=new Image(640, 40); scales[1]=new Image(640, 40); scales[0].src="scale2.gif"; scales[1].src="fscale.gif";
for (count=0; count<8; count++) { barweights[count]=0; }
for (count=0; count<11; count++) { graphbars[count]=new Image(12, 200); } graphbars[0].src="grblank.gif"; graphbars[1].src="left1.gif"; graphbars[2].src="mid1.gif"; graphbars[3].src="left2.gif"; graphbars[4].src="mid2.gif"; graphbars[5].src="left3.gif"; graphbars[6].src="mid3.gif"; graphbars[7].src="left4.gif"; graphbars[8].src="mid4.gif"; graphbars[9].src="mid4.gif"; graphbars[10].src="mid5.gif";
var currentpic=new Image(12, 200); currentpic.src=graphbars[0].src;
document.write("<BODY BGCOLOR='#808090'>"); document.write("<CENTER>"); document.write("<H1>The Altogether Fantastic</H1><P>"); document.write("<H1><FONT COLOR='#FF0000'>D</FONT><FONT COLOR='#00FF00'>X</FONT>"); document.write("<FONT COLOR='#0000FF'>M</FONT> Calculator!</H1><P><HR><P>"); document.write("<TABLE BORDER=5><TR><TD BGCOLOR='#FDFDFD'>");
for (count=0; count<64; count++) { tempnam="bar"+count; document.write("<IMG SRC='grblank.gif' NAME='"+tempnam+"' HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=10 BORDER=0>"); }
function convert() { kilofat=0; if(document.weight.howfat.value) { kilofat=parseFloat(document.forms.weight.howfat.va lue, 10); }
if(document.weight.fatunits[0].checked) kilofat=kilofat*0.453; if(document.weight.fatunits[2].checked) kilofat=kilofat*6.342;
lowplat[0]=Math.floor(kilofat*1.5); lowplat[1]=Math.floor(kilofat*2.5); lowplat[2]=Math.floor(kilofat*7.5); lowplat[3]=Math.floor(kilofat*15); lowplat[4]=Math.floor(kilofat*20);
document.forms.weight.lowplat1.value=lowplat[0] + "mg"; document.forms.weight.lowplat2.value=lowplat[1] + "mg"; document.forms.weight.lowplat3.value=lowplat[2] + "mg"; document.forms.weight.lowplat4.value=lowplat[3] + "mg"; document.forms.weight.hiplat1.value=lowplat[1]-1 + "mg"; document.forms.weight.hiplat2.value=lowplat[2]-1 + "mg"; document.forms.weight.hiplat3.value=lowplat[3]-1 + "mg"; document.forms.weight.hiplat4.value=lowplat[4]-1 + "mg"; }
function drawgraph() { var temptot=0; currentpic.src=graphbars[0].src; document.images["bar"+0].src="placer.gif"; for (count=0; count<64; count++) { temptot=(count+1)*scaler; if(temptot > lowplat[0]) currentpic.src=graphbars[2].src; if(temptot > lowplat[1]) currentpic.src=graphbars[4].src; if(temptot > lowplat[2]) currentpic.src=graphbars[6].src; if(temptot > lowplat[3]) currentpic.src=graphbars[8].src; if(temptot > lowplat[4]) currentpic.src=graphbars[10].src; document.images["bar"+count].src=currentpic.src; } }
function workout() { convert(); scaler=23.43; if(lowplat[4]<1500) { scaler=23.43; document.images.scale.src=scales[0].src; } if(lowplat[4]>1499) { scaler=37.5; document.images.scale.src=scales[1].src; } drawgraph(); }
</SCRIPT> <BR><IMG SRC='scale2.gif' NAME="scale" HEIGHT=40 WIDTH=640 BORDER=0><BR> <IMG SRC='key1.gif' HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=640 BORDER=0> </TD></TR> </TABLE> <P> <FORM NAME="weight"> <TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR="#FDFDFD"> <TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER> Enter your weight:<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=12 NAME="howfat"> <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Calculate" onClick="workout(); return true;"> <HR> pounds<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="fatunits" VALUE="1" CHECKED> kilos<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="fatunits" VALUE="2"> stones<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="fatunits" VALUE="3"> </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 1st Plateau <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME="lowplat1"> - <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME="hiplat1"><BR> 2nd Plateau <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME="lowplat2"> - <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME="hiplat2"><BR>
3rd Plateau <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME="lowplat3"> - <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME="hiplat3"><BR> 4th Plateau <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME="lowplat4"> - <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME="hiplat4"><BR> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>
[top]Downloadable Calculators
DXM Dosage Calculator.A windows Calculator written by Ben hosted on The Third Plateau. (23K).
doser.exe was written and compiled by daedalus. The program is slightly buggy and collapses on itself if not opened from an already open command prompt. However, it does take a alternate approach on calculations, requesting that you input a predetermined volume (mL) and strength (mg/ML) of syrup to determine how many mgs of DXM you will be ingesting.
Many other calculators can be found at The Third-Plateau
[top]Sigma Calculator
[top]Basic Formulas
All DXM calcs use basic conversions and mathematics. Below are some formulas a DXM calc may envoke.
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
1 kg = 0.1575 stone
1 lb = 0.4536 kg
1 stone = 6.3503 kg
1 mg = 3.5274 oz
1 oz = 0.2835 mg
1 fl oz = 28.4131 mL
1 mL = 0.0352 fl oz
Miligrams per bottle of syrup
(mg/ml) * (oz*28mL) = Total DXM
William White's DXM Plateaus and Dosages
First = 1.5-2.5 mg/kg
Second = 2.5-7.5 mg/kg
Third = 7.5-15 mg/kg
Fourth = >15 mg/kg
Usenet Suggestion on Plateaus and Dosages
First = 2.7 mg/kg
Second = 6.4 mg/kg
Third = 9.4 mg/kg
Forth = 18mg/kg
Southwick's view on Plateaus and Dosages
1P: <3mg/kg
2P: 3-5mg/kg - 8-10mg/kg
3P: ~10mg/kg - ~15mg/kg
4P: everything above.
[top]Dosage Charts
Dosage Charts are predetermined based on a constant weight variable.