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PeoplesMind Offline
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Default 08-07-2003, 08:11 PM

everytime an article like this comes out more people know about DXM in the mainstream... and a robotussin CEO/angel gets their wings.


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EvS Offline
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Default 08-07-2003, 08:30 PM

There are so many lies in that video.

..erowid is in it too.

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Default 08-08-2003, 12:19 PM

"I dont know whats gonna happen man, all i know is i wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames."- jim morrison
i think we should take a page from jims book here, eventually powder will be illegal and tussin will be controled substance. maybe not now maybe not soon but if we continue to expand at the current rate due to technology and word of mouth were fukd with a capitol UK as our only escape.
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SnarkBot Offline
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Default 08-08-2003, 12:46 PM

one of my theorys is that dxm will allways bearound and in cough syrup because "the man" is a secret dexer too. like so many of us that act like we dont know anything about dxm but are drinking 8oz bottles of tussin in the hill keep it around untill the new "man" is in charge. i just sugest that people keep dxm kinda underground and secret stealthy something or another. thats what ive been doin lately and it works out better for me. like i can dex any time/ all the time i want and like people just dont seem to notice. its crazy. there are like alot of people that do it and get in trouble or give it a bad name and shit too.i forget my point or something. and yeah. bubbles are cool. so blow more bubbles and itll abe ok,and save the rain forest cuz theres alot of stuff in there. and dont rub cat piss in little kids eyes cuz its not good for em ive herd. the end

once you get bord your never the same..
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PeoplesMind Offline
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Default 08-08-2003, 05:30 PM

Originally posted by robojunkie@Aug 8 2003, 09:19 AM
"I dont know whats gonna happen man, all i know is i wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames."- jim morrison
i think we should take a page from jims book here, eventually powder will be illegal and tussin will be controled substance. maybe not now maybe not soon but if we continue to expand at the current rate due to technology and word of mouth were fukd with a capitol UK as our only escape.
I HIGHLY doubt it. The process to make dxm illegal would take a bill to amend the controlled substances act, and that needs to have the approval of the senate and the house, and a presidential signature. I personally have my doubts about DXM becoming illegal anytime in the near future.


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Default 08-08-2003, 07:06 PM

i never said near future, you gotta admit its a possibility. then again so is bush shitting gold bricks
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Default 08-08-2003, 11:29 PM

"They'll take cough syrup just to be cool. They'll do it because their friends tell them to do it," Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman David Jacobson said.
Maybe some people are stupid enough to be like that...but I'm sure most people do drugs for their own pleasure or other reasons.

It's like don't do it to be cool do you? Of course not, you do it because it provides you with pleasure.

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Default 08-09-2003, 07:49 AM

i'm just outside of detroit... who reported this to channel 4 in detroit?? shit parents probably know about me now from when they found a few cvs tussin bottles under my bed damn.... they watch channel 4 someone pm me.... my aim sn is: fuzzyolga
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5-MeO-ECO Offline
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Default 08-09-2003, 08:39 AM

The best way to bullshit yer parents is with confidence. Start thinking of a sound excuse, THEN worry about if they saw it or not.

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Default 08-09-2003, 09:37 AM

Originally posted by RoCk StAr@Aug 7 2003, 02:29 PM
and in that video...they showed all the products you defintely should NOT use like coridin maximum strength and robitussin DM lol ... idiots
showing the wrong products is probably far more dangerous than the 'problem' they are reporting on. people will see the program and will use the products shown and might even die
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