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Default 08-07-2003, 02:41 AM

DETROIT -- A dangerous and potentially deadly drug craze known as "robo-tripping" is making its way around the Detroit metro area.

It's the new buzzword for teens in Grosse Pointe.

"I've heard of it in high school. I've heard of it around. They take it to get high," said one student.

And it's quickly making its way to other Detroit suburbs -- kids trying a new drug craze nicknamed "dmx" or "robo-tripping."

"They'll take cough syrup just to be cool. They'll do it because their friends tell them to do it," Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman David Jacobson said.

It is the kind of talk that scares parents

The Defenders answered the call for help and discovered the new drug craze is a growing concern for the administration.

The substance -- dextromethrophan hydrobromide -- is a dangerous powder kids are taking to hallucinate. It's designed to be used in cough syrups like Robitussin, but the DEA reports that it can be ordered from the Internet.

The DEA reports that kids are taking the chemical in large quantities in order to achieve a hallucinogenic high that resembles PCP.

Parents need to look for the warning signs.

Nationally, the drug has been linked to deaths, can cause permanent brain damage, and even more troubling, the chemical is legal to buy. Authorities can do little to deter dealers who say they're selling it for the right reasons.

"Robo-tripping" is no safe ride, but rather a dangerous trip that could prove deadly.

While authorities work on shutting down Internet sites selling to kids, parents and kids are taking the warning to heart.


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Kaji Offline
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Default 08-07-2003, 05:05 AM

Wow, everyone should check out the video on that site. It's insane how much the media can misportray DXM. A lot of the things that the report and the DEA official mentioned were completely false.

I loved it how they got random people who were completely ignorant on the subject to bash it. The 10(?) year old kid who gave the brilliant analysis about the psyche of a drug user was hillarious. The DEA agent was also pretty funny, calling research chemical companies "ruthless mercenaries profiting on other people's misery". A funny and sad example of our tax dollars being put to great use. The worst thing is that people are now going to take this completely serious.

As a side note, they used Erowid in their video quite a bit. I'm almost positive that Erowid did not give them permission to use any content. I wish media companies, especially televised to a major city like Detroit, would take a more credible and unbiased standpoint. It's the stuff like this that engrains a fake moral standpoint against drug use into our society.


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5-MeO-ECO Offline
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Default 08-07-2003, 05:15 AM

That is the most hilariously sensationalist thing I have seen yet on the topic. I don't even know where to begin.

Good thing Mr. Know-it-all Narc gave information so horribly inaccurate and vague that no parent, who wasn't delusional with paranoia on a subject they know nothing about, could ever figure out if their kid was using DXM or not.

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Default 08-07-2003, 06:01 AM

How stupid, tussin has always been fairly big in Detroit, i'd bet thats why the dea would begin a campaign against dex there.

Who would you rather be around, someone on 8 oz robo or someone gone on 151 bacardi whos probably acting completely on impulse, which is something you see quite often on strong liqours.
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5-MeO-ECO Offline
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Default 08-07-2003, 09:12 AM

I hate this article so much I'm going to drink another bottle of cough syrup.

<span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\'>"Unlike food, drink or sex, the experience of pleasure itself exhibits no tolerance, even though our innumerable objects of desire certainly do. Thus we can eventually get bored of anything - with a single exception. Stimulation of the pleasure-centres of the brain never palls. Fire them in the right way, and boredom is neurochemically impossible."
"Electrical stimulation of the mesolimbic dopamine system is more intensely rewarding than eating, drinking, and love-making; and it never gets in the slightest a bit tedious. It stays exhilarating."

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EvS Offline
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Default 08-07-2003, 02:06 PM


I love the part where they call it dmx.

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Default 08-07-2003, 02:48 PM

I wanted to send the author an email, the only email I can find is
[email protected] which seems to be kinda generic, what do u guys think?

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SpiKeD Offline
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Default 08-07-2003, 03:29 PM

and in that video...they showed all the products you defintely should NOT use like coridin maximum strength and robitussin DM lol ... idiots

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. except keeping your whites .. behind your lids .
... and your lids are your best canvas i can only imagine ...
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Default 08-07-2003, 04:46 PM

"They'll take cough syrup just to be cool. They'll do it because their friends tell them to do it," Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman David Jacobson said.

So, according to the video on the site, the "DEA spokesman" hasn't even hit puberty?

But anyway, this is actually quite sad, something that makes one want to shake his head and sigh. Not so much because it badmouths drugs, but because it's an example of why American media is not to be trusted on ANY subject, not just drugs (the BBC World News is a good alternative, and since its on PBS, there are no commercials to interrupt it). Most dxm users need not worry unless they're 14 and live in Detroit.

I hope that little aformentioned bastard gets hooked on something horrible and brain-damaging 4 years down the line (or however long it takes him to forget his 4th grade DARE class and realise that sobriety ain't all it's cracked up to be). It would be a nice cosmic assraping.

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pr0zac Offline
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Default 08-07-2003, 07:10 PM

Hey at least they said it produces effects similar to PCP instead of LSD. First time I've seen them get THAT right...


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