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Default California Puts Kibosh on Selling Cough Medicine to Kids - 09-01-2011, 01:09 AM

No more sending your child to the store to pick up a bottle of cough syrup when you have a cold.
Gov. Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 514 into law Wednesday, making it illegal to sell cold medicines — like Robitussin and NyQuil — that contain the drug dextromethorphan to minors without a prescription.
The law is intended to prevent kids from using the medicines to get high -- or "robotripping." Consuming large quantities of dextromethorphan can cause hallucinations, loss of motor control and out-of-body sensations similar to the effects of PCP or ketamine.
“Since 2003, dextromethorphan has been the most commonly abused substance by teenagers reported to the California Poison Control System," Ilene Anderson, a senior toxicologist for the San Francisco division of the California Poison Control System, said in a statement when the Legislature passed the bill earlier this month. "Over 80 percent of these calls involve teenagers being treated in a hospital for significant health effects.”
Possible side effects of abusing the drug include impaired motor function, numbness, nausea, vomiting and increased heart rate and blood pressure, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Selling the forbidden cold medicines to a minor in California could carry a fine of up to $250. Yet, a retail clerk would only face that criminal infraction if he or she intentionally violated the ban in making the sale.
Cash registers at stores selling the cold medicines will be required to be equipped with an "age-verification feature" that directs the seller to request identification before a purchase of the medicines is made.
Source: The Bay Citizen (

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Default 09-01-2011, 01:19 AM

Eh, we got PCP and ketamine all day in California anyway.

Yet, a retail clerk would only face that criminal infraction if he or she intentionally violated the ban in making the sale.
Cash registers at stores selling the cold medicines will be required to be equipped with an "age-verification feature" that directs the seller to request identification before a purchase of the medicines is made.
-^ Pretty much how it already was without the fine, as far as I know. Parents in California rejoice! Now when your child buys cough syrup, the person that sells it to them can face financial penalities because of it.

Maybe they should stick to sending their friend's older brother into the liquor store for beer instead...
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Default 09-01-2011, 01:46 AM

Thank God I'm 30!
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Default 09-01-2011, 02:18 AM

Very sensible.

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Default 09-01-2011, 04:28 AM

this makes me happy because i believe that drug use isn't good for most young adults. DXM isn't something 13 year old kids should be fucking around with because they're bored. although i was one of those children (sometimes i wish i wasn't )

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Default 09-01-2011, 04:47 AM

Originally Posted by maggot titss View Post
this makes me happy because i believe that drug use isn't good for most young adults. DXM isn't something 13 year old kids should be fucking around with because they're bored. although i was one of those children (sometimes i wish i wasn't )
Right, we need to make sure their brains are fully developed before they mess with them.
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Default 09-01-2011, 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by maggot titss View Post
this makes me happy because i believe that drug use isn't good for most young adults. DXM isn't something 13 year old kids should be fucking around with because they're bored. although i was one of those children (sometimes i wish i wasn't )
Damn, that's pretty crazy! I can't even imagine what would happen to my 13-year-old mind on dex.

I reached the peak of my dexing career just before turning 18 and even that was probably wayyyyy too soon. I wasn't quite off of the teenage emotional roller coaster yet. The dxm only made it that much more disorienting. You gotta have a good grasp on your emotions before you even begin fucking around with a drug like DXM.

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dextromancer Offline
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Default 09-01-2011, 10:13 AM

often times kids get into dxm because they dont have to pay for it like other drugs. you can lift it off the shelf and get high all day without bumming 20$ from your mom, or you can do both and buy a bag of weed too. stopping them at the cash register is a little too late and more preventative measures should be taken. parents should be involved in their children's lives and do dxm with them if they have to. keeps kids off the streets and getting arrested, and at least you know what youre child is doing, making sure they are safe.
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