First of all, I want to tell the reason why I want to join DV.
Lets keep it simple. Because I need more information.
I know there are lots of websites out there with crap loads of information
but still discussions are another thing

and that too on dextroverse.
I believe dextroverse is pretty reliable source comparatively.
Well, I got interested in DXM fairly recently. I have never tried myself except once which was few years back, when a friend gave me Corex DX mixed with some cold drink. I don't remember much about that specific event.
Then recently, I got to know more about DXM and its effects. So I was pretty interested. My musician friend has a musical project. He is influenced by this band "Velvet Cacoon". I heard something like they making music while being a little high on DXM (I also suspect their lyrics are inspired by visions and hallucinations etc experienced while tripping) . So this was the main thing which sparked interest in me. Now I am craving to experience it.

Another reason why I want to experience DXM is, availability and its legal status compared to other "illegal" drugs, narcotics etc.