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Default FDA denies restriction on cough medication - 09-16-2010, 08:43 PM

Despite the rising numbers in people hospitalized for misuse and abuse of substance dextromethorpan (DXM), the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee concluded that the risks do not outweigh the benefits and did not warrant restricting DXM under the Controlled Substances Act.
The Drug Enforcement Agency has requested the committee to evaluate DXM’s potential for abuse as well as the control or prevent abuse of the substance especially among teen agers who opt for cheap and accessible high.
High doses of DXM, an ingredient in cough medicines, can cause euphoria and hallucinations and have resulted in hospitalizations over the past years. Majority of cough medicines that include Robitussin DM and Tylenol Cough would have been classified under the least restrictive level of “dangerous drugs” had the panel voted in favor of restricting the use of DXM. Under such, schedule V medications can only be sold at pharmacies and not at convenience stores or supermarkets.
To prevent abuse, the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), a trade group representing cough syrup manufactures said that cough medicines had a very low potential for abuse. It urged the federal government to pass laws currently before Congress that would introduce tougher restrictions on bulk sales of DXM as well as prohibiting the sale of cough medicines containing DXM to anyone under the age of 18.

Grandmother and her grandson sitting down for dinner when the Grandson says "Hey Gran, I cant find my pills have you seen them anywhere, there marked LSD." Grandmother turns and says fuck your pills boy we have bigger problems check out the dragons in the kitchen!"
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Default 09-16-2010, 08:49 PM

link plz, and perhaps go in DXM news

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iRizzen Offline
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Default 09-16-2010, 08:57 PM


Yes, sorry, can someone move this to the dxm news forum?

Grandmother and her grandson sitting down for dinner when the Grandson says "Hey Gran, I cant find my pills have you seen them anywhere, there marked LSD." Grandmother turns and says fuck your pills boy we have bigger problems check out the dragons in the kitchen!"
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Default 09-16-2010, 09:29 PM

i do not understand u.s. drug policy

i mean, i definitely think that dxm should be legal, but i also think that dxm is one of the harder drugs you can do. super intense. why does dxm get this special treatment from the FDA and DEA?

dxm proves that all drugs can be legalized and still be less dangerous than alcohol

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Default 09-16-2010, 09:31 PM

i'm sitting in my kitchen with stem drinking chocolate milk and going



Video games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music.
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Default 09-16-2010, 09:34 PM

In MS I have seen [TV. Radio. Newspaper] more deaths related to alcohol than any other drug. Drunk people tend to do stupid stuff [murder, rape, robbery, etc]. I mean...if I took ecstasy, the last thing on my mind would be to rob someone.

Drugs are not for everyone. IDIOTS should not do drugs... I think they are the reason drugs are illegal [somewhat]. And DXM related hospitalizations and ODs, mainly happen to those who did not read the FAQ about the DXM.

Just my 2 cents...

Grandmother and her grandson sitting down for dinner when the Grandson says "Hey Gran, I cant find my pills have you seen them anywhere, there marked LSD." Grandmother turns and says fuck your pills boy we have bigger problems check out the dragons in the kitchen!"
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Default 09-16-2010, 10:01 PM

Originally Posted by iRizzen View Post
In MS I have seen [TV. Radio. Newspaper] more deaths related to alcohol than any other drug. Drunk people tend to do stupid stuff [murder, rape, robbery, etc]. I mean...if I took ecstasy, the last thing on my mind would be to rob someone.

Drugs are not for everyone. IDIOTS should not do drugs... I think they are the reason drugs are illegal [somewhat]. And DXM related hospitalizations and ODs, mainly happen to those who did not read the FAQ about the DXM.

Just my 2 cents...
I agree...alcohol is a far worse substance and those who tend to drink it on a regular basis end up doing some crappy stuff. all you wanna do on e is hug and dance

people are idiots about drugs, but thats not what got them illegal in the first place IMO.

and don't get me started on the toxicity of acetaminophen- far more people are hospitalized daily due to overdoses and long term toxicity.

Video games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music.
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Default 09-16-2010, 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by Migbee View Post
dxm proves that all drugs can be legalized and still be less dangerous than alcohol
I wouldn't say "all drugs" are less dangerous than alcohol . . .

Also, alcohol is a drug.

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Default 09-16-2010, 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by viscosity View Post
I wouldn't say "all drugs" are less dangerous than alcohol . . .

Also, alcohol is a drug.
Indeed, more or less. Street heroin certainly isn't less dangerous then alcohol.

But I'm glad they are denying to restrict it. Punish the individual(s), not the drug I say in this case.

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Default 09-17-2010, 12:14 AM

Well, we all could sit here and compare each drug. But, of course, yes, some are more dangerous than others. Shit, even some legal RX drugs are bad, and can kill you or mess you up bad in a bad way.

Grandmother and her grandson sitting down for dinner when the Grandson says "Hey Gran, I cant find my pills have you seen them anywhere, there marked LSD." Grandmother turns and says fuck your pills boy we have bigger problems check out the dragons in the kitchen!"
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