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Default cough syrup abuse has fda considering anti-robotripping - 09-14-2010, 12:47 PM

(Aug. 31) -- The abuse of cough syrups, like NyQuil and Vicks, leads to thousands of hospitalizations a year. Now, the Food and Drug Administration is considering new regulations in an effort to tighten access to the products -- especially among teens.

This whole story was filled with misinformation. D:

Starving for knowledge will leave you eternally hungry.

<+DrFysh> u can fill out a dres tho, heh
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Randolph Carter Offline
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Default 09-14-2010, 01:04 PM

That article reads like a report written by an eighth grader the period before it was due. Just random shit splashed together with no attempt at cohesion.
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Default 09-14-2010, 01:47 PM

Lol this article reads like a joke.

In recreational use, the drug is usually "chugged" in syrup form, often at hundreds of times the recommended dosage. The practice is referred to by many nicknames: dex, tussin, triple C's, skittles and red devils, according to the Justice Department. On the street today, you're more likely to encounter it blended with other, more palatable substances and called sizzurp (when mixed with a Jolly Rancher and soda), purple drank (when mixed with just soda) or simply "syrup" or sippin syrup (when mixed with alcohol).
So how many people here mix their robitussin with Jolly Ranchers and soda?

It's like they purposely get their information wrong.
No wonder why so many half ignorant people are confused if they are reading articles like that and thinking it is correct information.

After a while they all start reading the same.. DxM is bad, kids are drinking NyQuil to get high, triple Cs this triple Cs that, here's a list of symptoms (which are almost never the symptoms we get), DxM causes liver damage and seizures, brain damage, blah blah blah.

Hell they may as well just say we are snorting cough syrup to get drunk and drink lots of grapefuit juice to keep our hearts from exploding from the crack like high it gives us. Toss in some tidbits about how DxM is exactly like PCP and turns us into police killers and rapist.
Make it illegal already, put it behind the counter and prescription based only, OH YEAH! Bring it on motherfuckers! I want your nanny state so that I can get out my shotgun and start killing cute little innocent kittens when I can't get my roboskittles fix!

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Default 09-14-2010, 01:53 PM

darklife.... I'm loling.

I've NEVER heard of that jolly rancher thing, fucking outrageous.

This is like they copy+pasted random googled shit about DXM...someone needs to release a news article that's non-fucking-bias. /dreams never come true

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Default 09-14-2010, 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by Dekko Tei'moku View Post
darklife.... I'm loling.

I've NEVER heard of that jolly rancher thing, fucking outrageous.

This is like they copy+pasted random googled shit about DXM...someone needs to release a news article that's non-fucking-bias. /dreams never come true
Actually the articles reporter confused our drug dextromethorphan with a different drug which usually comes in the form of purple syrup called codeine.
The stupid fucking rapper who made that song about sipping syrup was talking about codeine syrup which is often mixed with jolly ranchers and soda by dumb idiots who are fans of Lil Wayne.
The moron who wrote that article completely confused the kind of syrup we drink with "purple drank" and assumed it was the same thing.
Goes to show some people should never have been given a job to be a news reporter. In fact most news reporters should be fired for their idiocy.
I wonder how long it will be before reporters start saying we are using DxM to make meth? It's only a matter of time at this rate.

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Default 09-14-2010, 02:07 PM

LOL I know! I crack jokes about purple drank all the time, but it refers to codeine people even care to double-check sources? I mean shit, THIS IS A PROFESSIONAL TV SHOW, wtf are they doing?

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Default 09-14-2010, 02:48 PM

i hate all the mis-information about DXM (and all around confusion with purple drank)

we should drown our sorrows in syrup while its still there!

Video games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music.
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Default 09-14-2010, 07:21 PM

They make it sound like ppl are mixing beverages with DXM and then selling it on the street.

God the FDA has become so useless. I see no difference from the NKVD almost.

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Default 09-14-2010, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by Decepticonus View Post
God the FDA has become so useless. I see no difference from the NKVD almost.
The FDA is like the Soviet Union secret police? The government organization that regulates drugs to make sure they are safe and effective and to make sure manufacturers don't dump random shit into pills, is that bad? Ineffective in many cases sure; but the ultimate symbol of totalitarianism? When they start sending stormtroopers to arrest dexers and send them to Guantanamo bay, then they are the NKVD. God help the people buying Sudafed.

In this case the FDA is actually doing their job. Their job is to keep people from misusing one of their regulated products. What needs to be said is there is nothing wrong with using drugs recreationally. DXM needs to be regulated in the way alcohol and tobacco are.
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Default 09-14-2010, 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by Arm View Post
The FDA is like the Soviet Union secret police? The government organization that regulates drugs to make sure they are safe and effective and to make sure manufacturers don't dump random shit into pills, is that bad? Ineffective in many cases sure; but the ultimate symbol of totalitarianism? When they start sending stormtroopers to arrest dexers and send them to Guantanamo bay, then they are the NKVD. God help the people buying Sudafed.

In this case the FDA is actually doing their job. Their job is to keep people from misusing one of their regulated products. What needs to be said is there is nothing wrong with using drugs recreationally. DXM needs to be regulated in the way alcohol and tobacco are.
Regulation of course. What about the individuals who do take it for recreational purposes and do it rationally and responsibily? Punish them of course too. Right?

With every choice we make, we literally create a world. History branches in two - creating one Earth where we made the choice and a second where we didn't. That's the secret of the universe you know? Billions of people, making billions of choices, creating infinite Earths. - Owlman
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