The Dextroverse

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• What is your interest in DXM?
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obviousAtheist Offline
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Posts: 1
Join Date: Aug 2010
Default My introduction - 09-12-2010, 08:19 PM


I have used DXM about 5-10 times over 3 year period. At first I only did like one bottle so like 300 mg, and I thought it was alright. Then recently I discovered that upping the dose can lead to some very interesting things. I become completely out of it and its a nice in a way. I took 900 mg of delsym once which wasn't that fun, it was just a very long and slightly on the boring side of a trip. I find that the robo gels gives me a more out of it state while the cough syrup makes me happier and makes music amazing. I like exploring my mind and just gaining perspective on things with the drug. I also get an afterglow for a few days where my mood is elevated. One things I like about it is that when watching a movie or tv I can almost become part of the action and take place in it. Or I feel like I am in the acutal room with the characters. Like Family Guy becomes 3d and I can feel everything. I'm just talking about whatever comes to mind about DXM because this is harder than I thought. I look forward to being apart of a cool community with similar interests because a good amount of people look down on "drinking cough syrup".

Last edited by obviousAtheist; 09-13-2010 at 02:23 PM. Reason: more info
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