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Default 07-20-2003, 07:37 PM

Morons Of The Moment
"Three tourists arrested with what police said was the designer drug dextromethorphan were released from Madera County custody Thursday night."

"'It's because the drug is so new,' she said. 'Usually the Sheriff's Department does presumptive analysis on meth or cocaine, but they couldn't do presumptive analysis on this.'"

"The three were detained on suspicion of shoplifting from Raley's in Oakhurst. They tried to leave the store with a cart filled with nearly $200 worth of food and a bottle of vodka, authorities said."

"In their possession was a 4-ounce jar officers said contained dextromethorphan, or DXM, and labeled, 'Highly experimental,' 'Not for human consumption,' and 'Handle with care.'"

"If the suspects fail to appear for their court appearances, extradition papers will need to be filed for their return."

"Dextromethorphan produces a high similar to PCP and LSD. It was the first time the drug has surfaced in Madera County, sheriff's officials said."


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