07-20-2003, 07:36 PM
"Though Eddie Edwardsen, Jr. was high on a psychotropic drug when he attacked two people and mutilated cats in September 2000, the drug did not directly cause Edwardsen's insanity, his attorney said Wednesday."
"Sams argued unsuccessfully before Sixteenth Circuit Court Judge Donald Hudson that the doctors' testimony that Edwardsen's psychotic mental state was influenced by dextromethorphan (DXM), the drug found in some cough syrups, was improper under Illinois law and should be excluded."
"Edwardsen's attorney David Camic maintained instead that the doctors' testimony would not be that the drug created the insanity, but that Edwardsen was legally insane irregardless of the DXM."
"Camic plans to argue during the trial that Edwardsen was legally insane, or not aware of the criminal nature of his actions, and that he was intoxicated from the cough medication."
"Hudson ruled that the doctors will be allowed to testify, but noted that Illinois law stipulates that insanity cannot be a legal defense based partially on the defendant's psychosis and partially on drug use."
"Edwardsen, who was a senior at Jacobs High School at the time of the attacks, faces more than 20 charges, including attempted murder, cruelty to animals, armed violence and aggravated battery."
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