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Default 07-20-2003, 07:26 PM


"New Danger Drug: Cough Medicine

When it comes to drug use... we've got more than meth to worry about.
Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem says an increasing number of young people are abusing cough medicine.
He says teens have been overdosing on it... trying to get high.
Stenehjem is supporting a bill to ban sales of some over-the-counter drugs to anyone under 18... and the Senate judiciary committee is considering it. It's targeted at a drug known as D-X-M... which is found in a number of cough medicines."



USA Today - Thursday, February 13

"Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem wants the Legislature to ban sales of certain types of cough medicine to young people because some are using it as a psychedelic drug. He's sponsoring legislation to bar sales of over-the-counter medicines that contain dextromethorphan, or DXM, to anyone under age 18. DXM, a cough suppressant, is found in several cough medicines, including Robitussin and Coricidin. A drug industry spokeswoman said the restrictions aren't necessary."


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