10-28-2009, 01:04 PM
Somehow I seen this coming from a mile away.
I have no problem with restricting cough medicine purchases to 18+ y/o.
Stupid young kids usually don't know what they are doing and could easily end up hurting themselves on the drug causing it to backlash on us mature informed users. Sure there will be some here who don't like what I just said, but hey you can't even buy spray paint, lighter fluid, and other dumb crap anymore w/o ID. Yes it's wrong, but that's the way our upside down society works today.
However I hate to be the first to say it but this will probably turn into a fucked up MTV documentary special on DxM abuse with Dr. Drew hosting it and next thing you know we have a new Dr. Phil wanabe prancing around worrying all the soccer Moms, which will in turn effect the law makers and then us in a negative way in the near future.
I guess we should still be lucky DxM is still sold on store shelves or even behind the counter in some places. The fact that it's still perfectly legal to buy w/o a script is a blessing unto itself but I feel as if those days are numbered.