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Post Ohio mom pushes for cough-syrup controls - Columbus Dispatch - 10-21-2009, 07:30 AM

Ohio mom pushes for cough-syrup controls - Columbus Dispatch
10-21-2009 07:14 AM

Read Full Article Here...

(This thread was automatically posted from Google's RSS feed for news articles containing the term 'Dextromethorphan')
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pancreaspants Offline
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Default 10-22-2009, 12:11 AM

I wonder which prescription painkiller he took. I wish articles like that would tell the whole truth and disclose more pertinent information.
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Default 10-22-2009, 03:16 AM

Pinsky said he believes many kids are smart enough to not abuse cough medicines once they fully understand the dangers.

I agree that education is extremely important in a harm reduction sense. But telling these kids not to take dxm b/c it will make them hallucinate and crap is just going to make a lot of them want to do it more, and possibly when they've never even heard about it before.

I remember thinking that way in D.A.R.E classes in grade school. How interesting the drugs sounded and how I'd probably like to try them someday. lol...
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Quon Offline
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Default 10-22-2009, 03:25 AM

I agree that education is extremely important in a harm reduction sense. But telling these kids not to take dxm b/c it will make them hallucinate and crap is just going to make a lot of them want to do it more, and possibly when they've never even heard about it before.
Yeah seriously. Educating them about it is indeed a catch-22

They better tell the kids about about the dangers of other ingredients (ala CCCs)

I'm all for the regulation of DXM. I don't think that it should be used at a young age.
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pancreaspants Offline
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Default 10-22-2009, 03:38 AM

Originally Posted by Quon View Post

I'm all for the regulation of DXM. I don't think that it should be used at a young age.
Many stores around here won't sell rubber cement, paint, lighters, and other items to minors, but they have no problem selling Robotussin to anyone. It wouldn't be difficult for them to limit it to adults 18 and over. Does anyone know of any stores that restricts the sale of DXM by age?
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Default 10-22-2009, 03:40 AM

^^^They do around my area. It's really awkward when I have to show ID with my long hair and all... I'm like (silently) "Um, yeah, I'm not planning on taking all of this in one sitting or anything like that, of course not". Its hard not to keep a straight face some times. XD
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Default 10-22-2009, 03:50 AM

I love being carded for things like tobacco. I was even carded for an R-rated movie! The woman looks at my ID, and I'm just standing there like, yeah, I'm 26...

Anyhoots, maybe carding for DXM will become the norm in the Flint, MI area someday.
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Default 10-22-2009, 04:13 AM

...this is a major flaw in our society and I'm astonished it is allowed to continue.
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Default 10-22-2009, 04:22 AM

I bet if they do educate kids about DXM... they'll fail to tell them about the dangers of coricidin. >: (
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Default 10-22-2009, 04:37 AM

People like her are enemies to freedom.
Remember this people, when ever you want to jump on a band wagon, look at the big picture.
MADD - enemies to freedom
Green Peace - enemies to freedom
Pro Life groups - enemies to freedom
Pro Choice groups - enemies to freedom
Feminist groups - enemies to freedom
Anti smoking groups - enemies of freedom

Basically every person who is trying to leave their own tiny pathetic mark on society VIA altering the laws of many, are enemies to freedom.

Every time a new law needs to be made, we are losing a bit of freedom. And for each new law there is always a good argument to support it.
Whether it is laws about how we must behave towards co-workers in the work place (like we really need laws to control simple social interaction) to laws about drunk driving (they can take your car and and license with our a trial in Canada), laws protecting unborn fetuses, or laws protecting women from their husbands (like the government needs to be in our family business, like they have ever helped, we have assault laws and that is enough).

We need government out of our lives. Basic crimes like rape, murder, assault, theft need to be prosecuted, but thats all we need government for (and of course defense and infastructure).
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