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Post Hitch up the reindeer - teen drug slang - - 09-07-2009, 09:30 PM

Hitch up the reindeer - teen drug slang -
09-07-2009 09:14 PM

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Lightbulb slang - 09-07-2009, 11:59 PM

Hitch up the reindeer - teen drug slang

September 7, 6:41 PM

Hitch up the reindeer dude! Yes, it's getting close to Christmas again, and the time draws near to start preparing for the holiday season. A time when goodwill toward men, and women is supposed to abound, and giving is better than receiving.
However, 'hitching up the reindeer" in this case, has nothing to do with Santa's sled, nor is the smoke lazily rising from the chestnuts roasting on the open fire coming from a fireplace. Nope, here we're talking about the reindeer probably tweaking, and junior inhaling a lung-full of cocaine smoke.
Mixing drugs
Teen drug slang, a language that baffles parents, and even other teens at times, is further evidence on how some of these kids view drugs. Use of this slang is more than just a means to covertly communicate information between them.
Parent tries slang
Attaching specific, benign, or positive sounding words to drugs, or any negative behavior for that matter, minimizes the severity of what people think and do with them. If "hitching up the reindeer" evokes images of mayhem, blood and guts, then you might want to visit a psychiatrist for a check-up. It probably evokes positive images and feelings, (if you believe in what Christmas is all about anyway), and that is the point.
Drug use self-awareness quiz
Referring to a drug as "gift of the sun, Belushi, All-American drug, beam me up Scottie, candy flipping, or Kibbles & Bits doesn't have the best built-in deterrent affect for people, let alone teens. Just so you know some of the slang teens as well as adults use in the drug world, and between themselves, a short list is here for you to look over. There are more words, but this list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Not enough space here. If you think there are any important ones that were missed, feel free to email me, and it will be included in an upcoming article. Some of these terms also have synonyms.
Hitching up the reindeer - Inhaling cocaine smoke
Candy flipping - Mixing LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) or acid with ecstasy
Georgia home-boy - Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GH, a central nervous system depressant can produce euphoric, sedative, and body-building effects. Other synonyms include Gamma-OH, Grievous Bodily Harm, Liquid Ecstasy, Liquid E, Liquid X, Organic Quaalude, and Scoop, according to Phoenix House.
Cheese - This combination drug of black tar heroin and Tylenol P.M. is responsible for killing 20 teens since 2005 in Dallas and it's suburbs.
Crunk - Actually used as a verb meaning to drink and use drugs.
Snow - This drug probably has more names than an identity thief. Cocaine. Synonyms include Charlie, crack, coke, dust, flake, freebase, lady, nose candy, powder, rock, rails, snowbirds, toot, white, and yahoo. And according to Phoenix House. "After all this time, alcohol and pot are still the most used drugs by teens, but cocaine is really a strong third, especially with females, because of the weight issue," says Janice Styer, MSW, a clinical coordinator-addictions counselor at Caron Treatment Center in Wernersville, Pa. "The drug of choice among women with eating disorders is almost invariably cocaine."
Special K - Anesthetic used in humans, and animals, ketamine is abused as a "club drug." It can cause hallucinations and euphoria. It is also called vitamin K, breakfast cereal, cat valium, horse tranquilizer, K, Ket, new ecstasy, psychedelic heroin, and super acid.
Antifreeze - Heroin, and also known as Big H, brown sugar, dope, golden girls, H, horse, junk, poison, skag, smack, sweet dreams, tar, train, Mexican mud, China white, and others.
Kibbles & Bits - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug called Ritalin. It is also referred to as pineapples.
Triple C - Coricidin HBP Cough and Cold. Sold in drug store as an OTC medication.
Dexing - Another term for abusing cough syrup. Other names are robotripping, or robodosing because persons tend to chugg this stuff down like there's no tomorrow.
Roofies - rohypnol, also known as the date rape drug, the forget pill, La Rocha, Mexican valium, R-2, rib, roachies, roofenol, rophies, roche (pronounced roe-shay), and rope
Crank - This is the stimulant methamphetamine. Synonyms include meth, speed, chalk, white cross, fire, and glass. This dangerous stuff is also referred to as ice, crystal meth, and can be smoked, snorted, injected or taken by mouth. Before and after video here.
DXM - Dextromethorphan is an over the counter drug found in cough supressants. It is also called Poor Man's Candy, Dex, DM, Drex, Red Devils, Robo, Rojo, Skittles, Tussin, Velvet, Poor Man's X, and Vitamin D. In high doses, 900 mg and higher, it becomes an hallucinogen. "Tussin" is another name for it that has caught on. This drug is a big problem because it is so easily obtained.
Prescription drug deaths
Of course this is not an exhaustive list, and teens are forever coming up with new ways to express themselves whether it is in a negative, or positive way. Unfortunately, some of the words used to describe drugs are anything but benign. The perception that drugs are somehow safe, and fun as some of their names might suggest is a dangerous, sometimes fatal belief. Just email any of the people in this video, surely they have something different to say about it.
In the flow...
So that's what DXM is slang for.

Last edited by koala infestation... robots; 09-08-2009 at 12:03 AM.
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Default 09-08-2009, 12:14 AM

In high doses, 900 mg and higher, it becomes an hallucinogen.
That seems very inaccurate to me and worries me that new dxm users will read that and think they need to take 900mg to hallucinate. I used to hallucinate my ass off from 26 gels when I first started. What is that, like 390mg? Yeah. Christ...900? Really? I still get hallucinations from a 400 - 600mg dose sometimes, and I've been dexing for 3 years.
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Default 09-08-2009, 12:26 AM

technically however the statement is true. DXM at 900 mg and higher can cause hallucinations.

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Default 09-08-2009, 09:38 AM

I enjoy most how they don't rip on Triple C, just the DXM...

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Default 09-08-2009, 04:21 PM

(if you believe in what Christmas is all about anyway),
Good thing I don't so I won't have to worry about being hooked on cocain smoke anytime soon.
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Default 09-09-2009, 01:18 AM

I want me some poor man's candy sir.
Really where do they come up with this shit?

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Default 09-10-2009, 04:19 PM

I wanna attend one of these 'pharm parties' where I can grab random pills out of a bowl for free!!

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Default 09-10-2009, 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by Skittles View Post
I wanna attend one of these 'pharm parties' where I can grab random pills out of a bowl for free!!
Then die of serotonin syndrome and/or a hypertensive crisis? Two likely things that would happen getting all of mommy's pills that will "fuck youz upz" and throwing it into a fucking bowl and then grabbing some pills and munching on them like an idiot.

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Default 09-11-2009, 03:20 AM

Has a single person reading this ever heard someone refer to methylphenidate as "kibbles and bits?"

"One cannot help but ponder the strange dichotomy that a nation based on establishing individual freedom has now outlawed every substance which might aid in the exploration of that last and most important frontier, the human mind. Our generation is the first ever to have made the search for self-awareness a crime if, it is done with the use of plants or chemical compounds as the means of opening psychic doors. " -(kinda sorta) Alexander Shulgin (and someone else)
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