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Default 07-02-2008, 05:18 AM

Two interesting articles in the Stars and Stripes:
Sales spikes and overdoses ....
Ultimately, it will destroy your life ...
"You can’t tell me 300 people needed a box of dextromethorphan in a week. If people are sick, we have a free health care clinic," Perry said.

None of those spikes corresponded with an increase in doctor’s visits for upper respiratory infections, said Perry, who presented his findings at the international conference of the American Society of Addiction Medicine in April.

The limits on sales of the medicines may have led to increased shoplifting, officials said.
Weird though ... we were doing this forty fucking years ago and the Army is just getting wind of it?

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Default 07-02-2008, 05:31 AM

The navy had an invesigation on one of the bases i was at for dxm.

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Default 07-02-2008, 01:46 PM

I stole that shit from the PX all the record was four 8 ouncers. Ahh, the joy of taking from uncle sam.

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Nivra ha-Rishon Offline
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Default 07-02-2008, 01:50 PM

Originally posted by KeithParadox@Jul 2 2008, 10:46 AM
I stole that shit from the PX all the record was four 8 ouncers. Ahh, the joy of taking from uncle sam.
You idiot. If I ever get deployed again (highly unlikely), they'de better not not have Tussin at the PX's because of fucktards like you!

Who steals from a PX. Come on, they don't even charge you taxes. Good on you for getting over on 'em, but if you fuck it up for the future of military dexing, oh I swear, Keith.

Seriously though, when I mobed out of Kuwait, I found they didn't stock ANY cough medicine at the PX there, but the camp in Iraq kept that shit STOCKED.
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burncycle3008 Offline
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Default 07-02-2008, 02:29 PM

Yea, who does steal from a PX, 2.99 for Liqui-gels?! Hells yea! Liquid Fiend, I did not know you were/are military; this requires more discussion. Also, im currently in Iraq, but why use the PX, order online for huge savings and free shipping! I'm looking at my box full of 400 tussin liqui-gels! Hoody hoo!

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Nivra ha-Rishon Offline
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Default 07-02-2008, 02:39 PM

Word up. I was deployed from early '03 to mid '04. This of course includes the entire mobilization process, from the initial mobe station to the final convoy from Iraq to Kuwait where we sat for a month until finally flying home, and back to the mobe station for the demobilization process.

I didn't even use Tussin out there the way some cats did; I present to you the case of a PFC who thought he was Don Corleone for a while, and a dude (also lower enlisted) from another unit who took a humvee for a joyride and punched an MP... the rest of the story is speculation. The latter frequently did 8 ounces of Tussin DM, so yea.

It was all we had back then, and internet access was rather limited at first though I suppose later on any of us could have hopped online and put in some orders. No need. The PX was good about restocking those shelves for us. The best part was being at the PX high while getting nothing but a bottle of Tussin... or two, and some other random item to avoid suspic- ah, what the fuck they knew what we were doing.

Games of Risk and Monopoly were so much fun, especially when few of us knew what the fuck was going on during a game.
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Default 07-02-2008, 02:42 PM

Originally posted by burncycle3008@Jul 2 2008, 01:29 PM
Yea, who does steal from a PX, 2.99 for Liqui-gels?! Hells yea! Liquid Fiend, I did not know you were/are military; this requires more discussion. Also, im currently in Iraq, but why use the PX, order online for huge savings and free shipping! I'm looking at my box full of 400 tussin liqui-gels! Hoody hoo!
wait, what?! the nex sends that shit?
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Default 07-02-2008, 04:16 PM

It’s been abused as long as it’s been used."
I like their word play.

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Default 07-02-2008, 04:26 PM

ive never stole dxm since ive been in the marines.
i think its very dumb for someone to risk giving dxm a bad name.. for stealing it too.

i hope to be able to buy gels while in iraq
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aBore Offline
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Default 07-04-2008, 04:46 PM

seriously, who has time for dxm in iraq? I wish I did. That was my break for a year.

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