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rfgdxm Offline
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Default 01-13-2004, 11:29 PM

What stands out here is the pictures. Notice they show Coricidin Cold & Flu. If kids take THAT, this will up the deaths dramatically. And, I like how they couldn't find any actual users. Just other people who discussed they knew people who used the much safer Robitussin. Looks like the kids are better informed than the reporters about DXM. Sigh.

Experts: Coricidin Dangerous In High Doses

They're little red pills used to treat a bad cough. Tablets that look like the popular candy "Skittles." In fact, experts say some teens call it "Skittling" when they overdose on Coricidin HBP. It's becoming a popular way to get high off ordinary medicine.

We gathered a group of valley teens. They say they've never tried Coricidin to treat cough and cold symptoms. But many in the group know people who have used something similar to 'get a high.'

"I used to have a couple of friends that would get together on a Friday night and they would, like, get Robitussin and they would take glow sticks, you know, and move them around and everything. It gets you high and makes them look distorted and everything is what they had told me," Krystal Pylant said.

Doctors and poison control experts have said the high from Coricidin can last an entire day. In the wake of overdosing, some stores are now limiting how many packs a customer can buy at once. Wal-Mart reportedly now limits customers to three packs at a time. Doctors say the pills'active ingredient produces the high. It's found in dozens of other drugs besides Coricidin.

According to poison control statistics, at least five people have died from taking too much Coricidin HBP.

"Parents need to be aware of any changes in behavior and any changes in grades, sleep patterns, weight loss even weight gain and just pay attention to that and just keep lines of communication open about the dangers," Paul Bakke of Pathfinder Drug and Alcohol Rehab said.
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intersin Offline
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Default 01-16-2004, 10:18 PM

I know this is old news, but I want to comment on WHAT A GOOD FUCKING JOB that the media has done once again. More dead kids, what we need.

Mother of God.
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WarBird69 Offline
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Default 01-17-2004, 03:50 PM

Even then, some kids are going to end up taking the wrong kind of 'Tussin and die of liver failure or something.
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pr0zac Offline
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Default 01-17-2004, 04:17 PM

Originally posted by rfgdxm@Jan 13 2004, 11:29 PM
And, I like how they couldn't find any actual users. Just other people who discussed they knew people who used the much safer Robitussin. Looks like the kids are better informed than the reporters about DXM. Sigh.
Heh heh, the irony of it all...


<d8ff752> wheres my yam daddy at
<d8ff752> pr0zac is the yam-daddy

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Southwick Offline
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Default 01-21-2004, 01:34 AM

do no kids no what cough gels are. If boughten at walmart they are around half price of ccc's and half the dxm. Do the math... the 1st time I did a just dxm product, which was dexalone, which I ordered from the net, it was the best trip I ever currently had on any dxm-related product. then I found the upper plateaus and it was a whole new ball game...

Kids need to figure it out.

Coricidin abusers: FIGURE IT OUT!

Everybody in the house with half an ounce; not weed I mean coke dumb ass sit down
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