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Default 04-03-2008, 11:29 AM

Since it has a 'legitimate' medical purpose, DXM can't be completely outlawed in the US. As long as nobody ruins it and proves that DXM actually doesn't work for anything, it can never become completely illegal, at least not in the United States.

DXM can not become a schedule I drug unless it is found to have no medical use, has a high potential for abuse(which is debatable, I could argue that if you were to schedule DXM for abuse potential, you might as well schedule diph too. The fact is, most people don't get addicted to DXM, most people who try it don't even find it desirable...), and there is no way to administer it safely under medical supervision.

One and two are out, DXM supposedly works for coughs and really doesn't have a high abuse potential, it's a trip to some and a nightmare to more. It's not even necessary to administer DXM in a clinical setting, it's safe enough to be provided over the counter; and it's been around for a long time, so a good amount of information and statistics are readily available.

It simply won't happen unless some extremely dramatic and irresponsible changes are made to the CSA, which won't happen either. They can consider scheduling it all they want, but they would not get away with it. The worst thing they can do to to DXM is put it behind the counter like they did with psuedoephedrine, which is also safe when administered correctly, has little abuse potential on it's own, and serves a legitimate medical purpose.

For now, dex is still specifically exempted from scheduling ^_^ under the original CSA. It's pretty firmly rooted as the 'end-all' cough suppressant, regardless whether it works or not. I'll bet most people under 60 have never taken anything else for a caugh exept maybe codeine, which is already scheduled, so it couldn't replace DXM. We don't have to worry yet, it looks like dex will be easy to get for years to come.

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Default 04-04-2008, 12:53 AM

I hope dxm does become outlawed cuz then I can make some serious cash from my powder stash...nice, rhyme (insert malevolent laugh here)

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Default 04-04-2008, 03:43 PM

Yeah DXM is NOT a very effective way to treat a cough. I just saw an article on this a few weeks ago. It's not a question of DXM being effective, it's a question of what would be MORE effective. For DXM to be "outlawed" there would have to be another drug safer/better than DXM to replace it.

The biggest reason why DXM won't get "outlawed" is because Wyeth, the manufacturer of Robotussin is 3 billion dollar a year company. They have A LOT of influence down in Washington. They pay people to make sure DXM doesn't get "outlawed".

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Default 04-04-2008, 06:01 PM

Originally posted by jaytown@Mar 11 2008, 11:53 AM
I don't think the pharm companys would let dxm be banned. too much money to be made. There in business to make money, not selling an alternitive that would make less money.

This is simple business 101
I'm sure they made a ton of money when codeine was still an otc cough suppressant but, look what happened to that. DXM isn't going anywhere for a while though.
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Default 04-06-2008, 08:15 PM

When DXM is outlawed, only outlaws will have DXM.

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Default 04-07-2008, 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Jesric@Mar 8 2008, 10:46 PM
After giving it some thought I think your probably right. While things about it might change because of articles such as this one, it won't be scheduled/outlawed.

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