The Dextroverse

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jaytown Offline
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Default 01-28-2008, 12:26 PM

Actually what they're doing is suppressing the central nervous system which is dangerous
How is it dangerourus "Mr Officer"
because the brain forgets to send messages to the rest of the body. The brain forgets to sent the heart to beat, and lungs to breath and liver to filter." said Hughes
Mr Officer, you wouldn't try to mislead people now would you?? I'll ASSume the answer would be no.

It should be common knowedge that people's brains don't forget to breath or forgets to get the heart beating when there dexing.
Other wise, there wouldn't be no dextroverse or members because we'll all be dead due to the fact our brains forgot to breath or get the heart beating.

The cop is a fucking liar. I can take a good guess where his source of information came from. If the police need something to preach about. How about the dangers of crack or meth.

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jersey_emt Offline
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Default 02-18-2008, 08:47 PM

Oh, and the article refers to the drug itself as robo-tripping. Twice.

I think I'm going to go and buy some robo-tripping so I can dextromethorphan tomorrow.

Opioid users: Please check out both Opioficionado and Opiophile, harm reduction forums for opioids.

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Dextroman Josh Offline
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Default 02-18-2008, 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Smokey420@Jan 19 2008, 12:12 AM
The brain forgets to sent the heart to beat, and lungs to breath and liver to filter." said Hughes.
I like how they used improper grammer, "sent". They are full of shit!
'nuff said

Lol = Corrupt Data
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