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Our Lady of Infinite Space's Avatar
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Default 02-18-2006, 11:17 PM

I agree that PCP or ketamine would have been a closer comparison, but LSD and DXM share the following effects (among others):

*changes in body image
*changes in time perception
*changes in visual perception
*changes in auditory perception
*induction of 'ideas of reference'/'synchronicity'
*promotion of loose mental associations between concepts

"As anesthesiologists, we want to help family members not only recognize the signs of Robo tripping but also to ensure that children are aware of the danger inherent in this type of drug abuse."
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Aphostile Offline
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Default 07-04-2006, 03:09 AM

Disassociatives and murder do have a bit of a history- especially PCP. Gang Bangers have long been known to do the dust before they commit a homicide so they won't feel anything. However, it's important to note that the intent to kill is present before taking the drug.
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DXM User Offline
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Default 07-04-2006, 03:17 AM

I agree that PCP or ketamine would have been a closer comparison, but LSD and DXM share the following effects (among others):

*changes in body image
*changes in time perception
*changes in visual perception
*changes in auditory perception
*induction of 'ideas of reference'/'synchronicity'
*promotion of loose mental associations between concepts
You just described nicotine, caffeine, marijuana, alcohol, or any other drug that anybody uses at any given time. Not picking on you or anything. I'm just pointing out how vague it is when the news describes drugs as 'similar to' because when it comes down to it there's at least 5,000,000 people around the world doing the same drugs legally and safely (ie, without murdering their friends).
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