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Default 11-30-2005, 11:24 PM

"Some kids have been taking cold tablets ... if they take enough of them what happens is they get what is described as an out-of-body experience, as if they were doing heroine,"
"They can get them over the counter; the kids are going in and getting them,"
"When he told me he had a cough I went and bought cold medicine without thinking anything about it.
Thera Flu Thin Strips; they melt in your mouth
he was basically intoxicated. We breathalyzed him and there was nothing
"there was nothing illegal about these,"
Apparently they come in packs of 12 or 24, and you can just buy them off the shelf,"
"The use of this type of drug is also a matter of convenience or availability as it can be pocketed or shoplifted easily. Since these drugs are easier to obtain than marijuana, they can be used when alcohol or marijuana are not available,"
So lets see, we compare an easily obtainable(hell ur mom will get it for ya!), cheap(or just as easy to steal...), undetectable(by breath at least)and legal(u won't even get in...too much trouble if you do it!)drug to heroin(e?), describing how much it fucks you up mixed with a few comments that seem like it should be on a commercial for the products themselves.

Why don't they just hand the kids the drugs themselves?

...a few words should be said, even though I warn you, that by explaining these things to you, I shall subject you to a very serious hoax. Because if I allow you to leave here this evening, under the impression that you understand something (about Zen), you will have missed the point entirely. Because (Zen is) a way of life, a state of being, (that) is not possible to embrace in any concept whatsoever, so that any concepts, any ideas, any words that I shall put across to you this evening will have (concepts) as their object, showing you the limitations of words and of thinking. -Alan Watts
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SpiralDarkSeraphim Offline
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Default 05-09-2006, 02:25 PM

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing while reading many of these articles. Their sensationalist style actually ends up making the drugs look a LOT more appealling.

"To be free one must give up a little part of oneself...and I know just the doctor to take it."
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