hahahahahah cool... reminds me of the time i got caught trying to steal all the dxm products from a grocery store at once.. i got to the door with all the tussin, ccc's, and succrets they had, then under cover security grabbed me and held mace to my face and said if i tryed anything funny that theyd let me have it.. then took me to the back room and got all this fake information from me.. then they forcefully searched me and got the tussin and ccc's but didnt find the succrets.. mother fuckers were touchin me and tryin to man handle me all illegally and shit.. so then they call my fake number i gave em and its the machine.. so then they start callin the police.. as soon as they get to the word officer i start goin hardcore up in there.. rush through the 2 security people in the little ass back room and throw the door open and is out into the ack of the store, thats when some one dives on my back and trys to take me down.. but im all dexed and hella pissed off so i give em and elbow to the head then back hand em and they fall off.. then i make like 20 more feet and this big stocker dude dives on me and takes me to the ground.. ill elbow him several times back wards and hes stunned but still laying on me and people are closen in fast.. so i use all my strength and adrenaline to stand up as hard as i can and he gos flyin off me. then i grab this huge stack of crates and boxes and shit and pull it over behind me and the people get tripped up long enough for me to make it outa the back.. then i haul ass across the store and down an ilse twords the front and jump over a register thingy cuz they were tryin to block the way out.. then im out the front door and is free..
but my ride had left cuz he thought i was done fore.. so i had to run through this ghetto hood at night time, avoiding people that would kick my ass for the fun of it and all these cops driven around lookin for me.. cuz i told em i lived there.. then i eventually i make it through and into the forest.. and have to wonder through it in the pitch black with a lighter that soon dies.. eventually i make it home and extract the succrets and everything is ok