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Default 10-10-2005, 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Gamma@Oct 9 2005, 10:32 PM
was suddenly thrown into another world when I mentioned the 708mg of dxm I had take 12+ hours prior to the incident. "SO THIS IS AN OVERDOSE?" "No, it's a dose I do it all the time, that's not the issue, somebody put something i suspect is toxic in a water bottle next to the sink, what about that?" "Another one of these kids has od'd on coughsyrup get the narcon". Next thing I know I'm in a complete daze as my body is pumped all full of god knows what to treat this alleged "drug overdose"
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Default 10-10-2005, 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Gamma@Oct 9 2005, 11:32 PM
I would like to note that they'll treat you for a Dxm "overdose" even if you claim it isn't one. I went into a hospital for an unrelated poisoning and was asked what I had consumed within the last 24 hours. I said what was what (putting faith in the medical community) and was suddenly thrown into another world when I mentioned the 708mg of dxm I had take 12+ hours prior to the incident. "SO THIS IS AN OVERDOSE?" "No, it's a dose I do it all the time, that's not the issue, somebody put something i suspect is toxic in a water bottle next to the sink, what about that?" "Another one of these kids has od'd on coughsyrup get the narcon". Next thing I know I'm in a complete daze as my body is pumped all full of god knows what to treat this alleged "drug overdose" and I wasn't even treated to my knowledge for whatever it was mislabled. They gave me some bullshit lecture about how they hoped i had learned my lesson. They were even going to refer me to inpatient drug rehab on the spot. I told them they were a bunch of crooks and staggered out of the hospital while i was left unattended much cloudier walking out the door than i was when i walked in.

The skinny? Hospitals don't know how to treat patients or even legitimate dxm overdoses.
heh I feel you, when i oded on vicodin and booze the hospital actually had to call poison control hotline to figure out what to do. If i wasn't vomiting up charcole and mucamist at the time i probably would have found it funny.

...a few words should be said, even though I warn you, that by explaining these things to you, I shall subject you to a very serious hoax. Because if I allow you to leave here this evening, under the impression that you understand something (about Zen), you will have missed the point entirely. Because (Zen is) a way of life, a state of being, (that) is not possible to embrace in any concept whatsoever, so that any concepts, any ideas, any words that I shall put across to you this evening will have (concepts) as their object, showing you the limitations of words and of thinking. -Alan Watts
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Default 10-10-2005, 09:55 PM

Originally posted by Gamma@Oct 9 2005, 11:32 PM
I would like to note that they'll treat you for a Dxm "overdose" even if you claim it isn't one. I went into a hospital for an unrelated poisoning and was asked what I had consumed within the last 24 hours. I said what was what (putting faith in the medical community) and was suddenly thrown into another world when I mentioned the 708mg of dxm I had take 12+ hours prior to the incident. "SO THIS IS AN OVERDOSE?" "No, it's a dose I do it all the time, that's not the issue, somebody put something i suspect is toxic in a water bottle next to the sink, what about that?" "Another one of these kids has od'd on coughsyrup get the narcon". Next thing I know I'm in a complete daze as my body is pumped all full of god knows what to treat this alleged "drug overdose" and I wasn't even treated to my knowledge for whatever it was mislabled. They gave me some bullshit lecture about how they hoped i had learned my lesson. They were even going to refer me to inpatient drug rehab on the spot. I told them they were a bunch of crooks and staggered out of the hospital while i was left unattended much cloudier walking out the door than i was when i walked in.

The skinny? Hospitals don't know how to treat patients or even legitimate dxm overdoses.
ROFL, i love how u typed it, i percieved it as you were talking calmly and then the doctors started overreacting (im assuming thats what really happened). ur a really good writer gamma :P
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Default 10-12-2005, 10:19 AM

Can be good for tolerance issues. I usually go to several different stores, which haven't started restriced purchases on dxm yet, only because I hope I won't give them a reason to. You can still do several 3rd or 4th plateau doses a month with these restrictions, I don't mind that. :rudy_the_white:
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