The media isn't interested in pointing out the safest ways to trip on DXM. Their preferred angle is just "drugs kill."
Right on. This generation needs educated responses...not annotated press release jargon. The media knows this...which again, makes me wonder what their true role is in this scenario.
Children are not stupid, they're smart. Adults need to realize this and figure out that media reverberations of 'just say no to drugs' and 'drugs kill' coupled with the fact that cigarettes are legal, and they've been proven to give you cancer...makes for a quick departure of trusting embrace from any young person looking up to the adult population for guidance...now that I think about it...if you're looking through the eyes of the media up at the adult population for guidance to begin with...man, we're in scary times.
Plus, is it just me, or does anyone else think that the major pharmaceutical companies responses are almost non-existent? I don't think it's even their place to get involved,
this is not
their problem if you ask me...