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Default 10-11-2004, 04:22 PM

...The nation's major drug stores are taking steps to deal with the growing problem of teens using household medicines to get high. The Washington Post reports that big pharmacies such as CVS and Walgreens are resorting to such things as putting age and number restrictions on cold medicine purchases, and keeping such things as even cough suppressants behind the counter. That is all because of a trend the companies, doctors, and others are seeing in teens abusing these drugs -- a trend they fear could become an epidemic. One recent example involved five ninth-graders in the Washington, DC, area who swallowed a cocktail of Coricidin and a motion-sickness drug. They were rushed to a hospital for treatment. The report says the problem is particularly bad among a certain demographic: mostly suburban, mostly young, and mostly middle-class, who turn to drugs because of boredom and rebellion.
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nomadicoder Offline
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Default 10-11-2004, 06:35 PM

God, kids really need to learn to be smarter. The more kids that are hospitalized for ODing on CCCs or other stuff, the harder it is for everyone that isn't as responsible. If only these kids took the time to research what they do before they did it. I just hope it doesn't become impossible to get stuff. Shouldn't get too bad though since I'm 18 and usually they limit stuff for the minors.

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Default 10-11-2004, 06:50 PM

Originally posted by nomadicoder@Oct 11 2004, 05:35 PM
God, kids really need to learn to be smarter. The more kids that are hospitalized for ODing on CCCs or other stuff, the harder it is for everyone that isn't as responsible. If only these kids took the time to research what they do before they did it. I just hope it doesn't become impossible to get stuff. Shouldn't get too bad though since I'm 18 and usually they limit stuff for the minors.
same here, im 20 now, and the only restrictions im seeing is quanity. But most stores arnt instituting a quanity policy, so there should always be another sotre without restrction.

Unless your a huge dexer, it become more difficult, i only dex once a week, sometimes less, actually been almost 2 months since my last dose.

If you a dex frequently, you know were to go.

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House Offline
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Default 10-11-2004, 06:53 PM

I'm all for restrictions on on these products. My only issue is that of possible theft-increase. For any other reason I can imagine, though, these restrictions are good.

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cindowsxp Offline
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Default 10-11-2004, 08:00 PM

I have to agree with Harmony on this one. Anything that can keep it out of the hands of people that don't do the research is good. It may make it harder for some of the younger dexers here, but there is always a way for you guys to get what you need, be it an older friend and powder, some mom and pop store, or something along those lines.

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libel Offline
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Default 10-11-2004, 09:25 PM

i agree with harmony and cindowsxp on this one..these stories will continue to pop up even more D:
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hitmang11 Offline
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Default 10-12-2004, 08:06 AM

Originally posted by drdĒv€@Oct 11 2004, 03:22 PM
One recent example involved five ninth-graders in the Washington, DC, area who swallowed a cocktail of Coricidin and a motion-sickness drug. They were rushed to a hospital for treatment. The report says the problem is particularly bad among a certain demographic: mostly suburban, mostly young, and mostly middle-class, who turn to drugs because of boredom and rebellion.
Ok someone please answer this.... Are these kids being rushed to the hospital because the parents dont know what the fuck is going on while there triping or cause the kids have no idea what to expect on high doese of DXM
Granted i realise were talkin CCC in this case, but ive read cases where its just DXM
And in that case they should come down in a few hours
And when there taking to the hospital they dont really do shit just monitor them, they pretty much just let them ride out the high.
So why are teens always being "RUSHED" to the hospital?

<span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\'>~I TrIppEd oN a CLoUd aNd FeLL 8 MileS HigH~</span>
<span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>
Every time you drive your car to the store, that's a calculated risk. You know that there is the possibility you could get in a fatal accident during the trip. You weigh the risk vs the reward and decide to drive anyway. Drug use should be considered in the same manner. It certainly isn't for everybody. But whether or not it is for you should be a personal decision, not a decision made by governing authorities. They don't tell us not to drive our cars, so why do they try and tell us not to do drugs? </span></span>

<span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:blue\'>"Each of us is simultaneously the beneficiary of his cultural heritage and the victim and slave of his culture's narrowness. What I believe is worse is that few of us have any realization of this situation. Like almost all people in all cultures at all times, we think our local culture is the best and other peoples are uncivilized or savages." </span></span>
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Default 10-12-2004, 11:13 AM

Heh. In walmart, theres no age restrictions and crap, but when you purchase anything from there, like that bottle of cough syrup, they make sure you only have 1 because your not allowed to purchase more then 2 products that have psuedophenadrine in it or something...

Uhh, in CVS they put Coriceden behind the counter, and they still have it OTC, but they ask you for ID for it. And in Ekerds theres like nothing for restrictions.

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c3pt0r Offline
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Default 10-12-2004, 02:23 PM

Originally posted by LlamaOfDeath@Oct 12 2004, 10:13 AM
Heh. In walmart, theres no age restrictions and crap, but when you purchase anything from there, like that bottle of cough syrup, they make sure you only have 1 because your not allowed to purchase more then 2 products that have psuedophenadrine in it or something...

Uhh, in CVS they put Coriceden behind the counter, and they still have it OTC, but they ask you for ID for it. And in Ekerds theres like nothing for restrictions.
i buy 3 bottles of robo gels no problem no id check no questions at walgreens, ecerds, publix, never had a problem , i just bought 3 botttles right nwo


<span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:blue\'>-</span>c<span style=\'color:red\'>3</span>pt<span style=\'color:red\'>0</span>r<span style=\'color:blue\'>-</span></span>
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robomax Offline
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Default 10-12-2004, 02:32 PM

cough syrup ruined my life

Sometimes I get overcharged,
that's when you see sparks.
They ask me where the hell I'm going?
At a 1000 feet per second]
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