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Default 09-01-2004, 08:46 AM

By ROB STROUD, Staff Writer
TUSCOLA -- An Oakland teen pleaded innocent on Monday to a charge that he provided the drug that an Oakland High School classmate used to commit suicide.

Austen C. Eriksen, 18, of Oakland pleaded innocent and requested a jury trial during a brief arraignment hearing in which his attorney, Sean Britton of Charleston, spoke for him. Eriksen is charged with one count of inducement to commit suicide.

That charge alleges Eriksen provided the means, in the form of the legal drug Dextromethorphan, by which Eric Richardson, 17, of Hindsboro committed suicide on Feb. 5. They were seniors at the time at Oakland High School.

On Feb. 5, concerned friends found Eriksen and Richardson in a locked pickup truck at Walnut Point State Park in Douglas County.

Richardson died at the scene as the result of an overdose of DXM, and Eriksen was hospitalized. A coroner's jury later ruled Richardson committed suicide.

At the Aug. 3 preliminary hearing for Eriksen, an Illinois State Police investigator testified a search warrant executed at Eriksen's home uncovered 19.7 grams of DXM powder. That stimulant is found in cough syrup and is dangerous in large doses.

A pretrial conference for Eriksen has been scheduled for Sept. 29, and a jury trial has been set for Oct. 18.

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Infected Method Offline
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Default 09-01-2004, 05:29 PM

Ya, um hes fucked. Unless like Erick (the supplier) used powder to trip, and the kid that comitted suicide just stole/bought large quantities of Robitussin, thats really the only excuse you can have, and that is pretty out there.

<span style=\'font-size:21pt;line-height:100%\'>I envision turbulence and murder since it's an everyday
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Default 09-01-2004, 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Spitfire@Sep 1 2004, 04:29 PM
Ya, um hes fucked. Unless like Erick (the supplier) used powder to trip, and the kid that comitted suicide just stole/bought large quantities of Robitussin, thats really the only excuse you can have, and that is pretty out there.
nope, from my understanding, they both ingested 10 capsules of pure dxm powder. The exact amount is unknown, but 10 full caps is more than enough to kill most people.

Also Erick probubly lived because he vomited before the dextromethorphan was properly absorbed into his sytem, or he probubly would have died as well.

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Default 09-02-2004, 11:55 AM

good luck to him
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Default 09-02-2004, 03:38 PM

Looks like evolution hard at work here.

I'm sorry, they're old enough to be aware of the dangers, people who do this, for any reason, are stupid. I have delt with depression and being suicidal before, and I'm not saying oooh look at me, but a lot of the time that most people don't get over depression, or suicidal thoughts, is because they are babied and cuddled through it all and not bitch slapped in the face with reality like the rest of us are in everyday life.

Look, if you want to kill yourself, please go and do it. There are too many of us on the planet and we are the most destructive organism residing on it. Stop using drugs and self pity as an excuse to not get off your ass and change your life so you do love yourself, stop fucking whining about it and do something like the rest of us have to, to survive. If you don't want to survive, then die, ok? It's honestly that simple

Welcome to reality.

No one should get charged with shit, inducement to commit suicide? If you hang yourself with the rope I gave you for christmas it's my fault that you're dead? Get real...

....when is this kind of shit going to stop?

</end rant>

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PowerMacG4 Offline
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Default 09-04-2004, 01:28 AM

When is the date of the post of MoonU....



Late January..
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Marowana Offline
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Default 09-07-2004, 02:23 PM

Why would you choose DXM to kill yourself with? What the hell is that about? If you're going to kill yourself with a drug, why does it have to be psychoactive?

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Default 09-15-2004, 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Monoliath@Sep 2 2004, 02:38 PM
Look, if you want to kill yourself, please go and do it.
yet again I point out you are an asshole...except I wont go into long detail this time.

"The first step is admitting you have a problem.
The second step is to stop shitting your pants and work your way up from there." - brollie
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