The Dextroverse

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• Why do you want to join the DV?
• What is your interest in DXM?
• A Minimum of 200 words

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Default Introduction - 09-15-2010, 02:02 AM

The reason I decided to come here is because I was having a discussion with a pharmacist and the subject of DXM use came up. I was told by him that DXM products were very likely to stay on the over the counter shelves if for not other reason than it would make providing medicine for common colds too much of a hassle. I also never knew the use was so widespread and I thought it would be good to find out more, if nothing else just for the educational value. This appears to be the best site for information on DXM.

I am not interested in using DXM myself (the days of experimenting with drugs are well behind me I'm afraid) but I would like to know more about how it's being used, what the risks are and if there are safe ways for it to be used. Since I have kids it's good to keep up on things like this so it's not a huge surprise later on down the road. I personally would rather have all drugs legalize so that people who wish to do them could choose the best and safest ones to take without risking their health due to contaminated drugs. Sad to say but that's something that's very unlikely to happen here in the "land of the free".

I don't have much else to say other than I'm very interested to find out what users are saying about DXM. Thanks for the site.
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Default Interesting - 09-15-2010, 02:13 PM

Essay approved.

Stay tuned for further processing.
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