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Default 09-11-2009, 04:01 AM

Originally Posted by tittysnacks74 View Post
Has a single person reading this ever heard someone refer to methylphenidate as "kibbles and bits?"
What the hell? Well I guess it's those people that eat random prescriptions out of a bowl at pharm parties like it was time to eat some cereal.

Well according to, ketamine is used by kids and they call it breakfast cereal.

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Last edited by VagueReality; 09-11-2009 at 04:41 AM.
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Default 09-14-2009, 06:18 PM

Where the hell are these pharm parties and why haven't I been invited? I would just go through with a big goodie bag and dump all the pills I could carry into it, go home, seperate them all out, pill identify them, and enjoy myself for the next couple weeks =P
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Default 09-16-2009, 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by TussinChugger View Post
Where the hell are these pharm parties and why haven't I been invited? I would just go through with a big goodie bag and dump all the pills I could carry into it, go home, seperate them all out, pill identify them, and enjoy myself for the next couple weeks =P
They're in the stupid fake ass crime shows on TV, like CSI Miami which is where the whole fucking idea was *invented* to scare the ignorant parents who watch such garbage in the first place.
I'm serious, that show single handedly made up that story and for some odd reason people who watched the episode actually believed it to be real. It's that kind of shit that scares me, people who watch TV and believe what they see to be truth!

More than half of these stories, slang words, hype and other shit is completely made up. It's fake. Really when you hear things like this ask yourself if you actually ever heard anyone use the slang, run a pharm party and so on. I highly doubt you have, or I or anyone else for that matter.
It's just a quick cheap story for (fake) news sources to print and make a buck on.
It makes me sick how much crap like this becomes believed and gives professional drug users like us a bad name and further confuses the hell out of already confused people.

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Default 09-16-2009, 04:59 PM

isnt the examiner a tabloid?

you get what you give, you know what I mean-Dave Wyndorff

my 8 year old son is also prescribed adderal, but i take that myself for recreational effects. so i give him dextromethorphan, the main ingredient in cough syrup, and it seems to be working miracles in his life!!!! -fish52986

Best get to it, them there hipsters aint gonna beat themselves up!

"Wanna buy some pictures."
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