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Default 04-26-2008, 01:15 PM


Timathy describes it as an experience he will never forget, saying he felt like he was in a jungle.


The friend's vision has not returned to normal, and there is no word yet if the eye damage is permanent.
Yeah that just pisses me the fuck off
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Smokey420 Offline
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Default 04-26-2008, 01:27 PM

that is so stupid, who would rat their friend out and say they stole it... permanent eye damage? what the hell ive never heard of about exaggerations..

its because of stupid reports like these when actually little or no danger was present but they always like to blow it completely out of proportion... is why we are getting these stupid 18 yr old laws, whats next?

ive been taken to the hospital for cough medicine before, but unlike this dumbass I didn't admit to the real truth,I just said my blunt got laced with dust. Really I had been on maybe 12-16 CCC"s worth of Robitussin Cough&Cold syrup and was tripping pretty hard(it was the only one they had at the store, but this was long time ago, I don't take CPM containing products anymore

Totally tricked them, too, drug test came up as positive for PCP and I just said I thought it was laced with dust. A few months earlier, some crazy mother ratted me out of drinnking cough syrup, because I told this kid and he told his mom. Fucking pricks. I denied completely though, deny deny deny! fuck them.
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Default 04-27-2008, 09:24 AM

This is stupid. Just another one of those stories where parents find their kids dexing and think they're on a "hard-drug" and rush them in to the ER for extra special care.

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Default 04-27-2008, 09:32 AM

Oh, and seriously, if you read the report, you HAVE to watch the video. It's pretty hilarious.

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Default 04-27-2008, 03:31 PM

Timathy describes it as an experience he will never forget, saying he felt like he was in a jungle.

HAH, that made me laugh my ass off. Come on now, you know they're not really spiders. Everyone sees those! Those are just your brains way of scaring you into wanting to trip again. Nice going, brain!

Not really. But still, you'd think from an evolutionary standpoint we'd have this whole thing worked out by now. But no, the brain is an imperfect structure. Fucking bastardly brain.

I spoke to this guy yesterday at an aa karioke event and he was high on valiums and told me he had brain surgery to remove some tumors and now he stutters alot but otherwise is relatively cognitively "un"impared. interesting.

Perhaps the eye damage shit was just hppd symptoms? Who the fuck knows. I see shit in my vision all the time that isnt there, such as colored dots and the "TV static / little duster hit vision" phenomenon. I saw an eye doctor and he could not detect any abnormalities after doing some tests.

Yay time for some quotes.

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Sabiancym Offline
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Default 04-27-2008, 11:07 PM

It was the morning after he dosed that this report was done. He was probably still tripping.

Eye damage my ass, he's still high.

I want to see the follow-up report 2 days later.

I can only imagine......

"He has been released from the ICU and says he feels completely normal and actually a little better, little does he know that taking more than the recommended dose of DXM kills 99% of people. He was lucky."
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Default 04-28-2008, 11:25 AM

God, that video was terrible. lmao at permanent eye-damage.

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Default 04-28-2008, 02:33 PM

It seem as if the drug was Robitussin Robogels. Each Gel is 15mg. 20 Gels per Bottle. :)!
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Default 04-28-2008, 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Davis@Feb 29 2008, 11:11 PM
Did it ever occur to you guys that the kid possibly had some kind of reaction, either due to countless factors regarding his body or prescription medicines (antidepressants, etc)?

For a harm reduction site, the DV can be pretty quick to jump the gun sometimes.
Yeah really. I'll agree that the article doesn't give a lot of information, and so I wouldn't make strong judgments one way or another, but I also know that at most hospitals I've been in the ICU is always very crowded and getting moved from the ER to the ICU takes some doing. They don't move a kid who is just freaking out without iffy vitals into the ICU. If the kid is in an intensive care unit and listed as critical, there are probably some rather serious symptoms if this hospital functions anything like most hospitals.

Preexisting conditions at work, drug interactions, all possible, but to jump all over it as "omg, hospital from DXM only products, ridiculous," when the kid has been admited to an ICU from the ER is kind of retarded in and of itself.

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Default 05-11-2008, 03:23 PM

Oh, disregard my comment, it was dumb. I didn't notice that he had drank the bottle of robitussin THEN added gels.

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