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Default 01-10-2008, 11:12 PM

The use of cough and cold medicine to get high is becoming more common among young people, according a new report. A local expert Eye on Health spoke with says parents have good reason to be concerned.

Cold and cough medicines, especially those containing dextromethorphan, or DMX, are being taken by children as young as 12 to get high -- according to a report from the Department of Health and Human Services.

Overdosing on these medications may result in life-threatening adverse reactions. Las Vegas drug abuse specialist, Dr. Mel Pohl says the intensity varies according to the dose.

"And that's a medication that makes people a little drowsy which is sort of the low-level effect. But it also can cause an intense high, euphoria, confusion and agitation -- a loosening of inhibitions," said Dr. Pohl.

More than 3 million adolescents and young adults have used non-prescription cough and cold medicines to get high. And nearly 82-percent of those had also used marijuana. Dr. Pohl supports the notion of gateway drugs, and he sees the end result.

"Many of the people that I see at the center are addicted to very potent drugs of abuse, in the family of heroin and cocaine, started with early intoxications. So that would be alcohol and readily available dextromethorphan over-the-counter," said Dr. Pohl.

The number one place where kids get these medicines, along with more potent prescription drugs, is from the medicine cabinet at home.

"Guard these drugs. That's the message. Be mindful of where they are. If there's a prescription, make sure its still there or lock it up," he said.

DMX is found is found in at least 140 cold medications available without a prescription.
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Default 01-10-2008, 11:27 PM

God, WHY?

life-threatening adverse reactions
Yeah...because I've come soooooo close to death in my exploits.

Can you trust your god enough to put your mp3 player on shuffle?
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Default 01-12-2008, 12:17 AM

DMX? Is that some sort of special BMX. Or is BXM? oh i can never remember LOL

I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too! -Mitch Hedberg
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