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Default 09-08-2007, 08:18 AM

PEMBROKE — A Pembroke doctor will have to go before the state Medical Board on charges that he violated the terms that allowed him to practice medicine.

The state board alleges that Paul Collins, a family medicine physician, used drugs and alcohol. The board says Collins appeared lethargic, incoherent, glassy-eyed and unresponsive to questions while at work July 6, a notice of charges and allegations states. The Medical Board sent the notice to Collins on Aug.31.

The Medical Board oversees licenses for physicians to practice medicine in the state.

Collins was taken to a local emergency room. He had taken 150 milligrams of dextromethorphan to help combat a panic attack, the notice states.

Two months earlier, Collins agreed to terms outlined in a consent order. The terms said he would not use mind- or mood-altering substances unless prescribed by another physician. He also agreed to avoid using alcohol.

“Dr. Collins’ continued substance abuse constitutes Dr. Collins being unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness, drunkenness, excessive use of alcohol, drugs, chemicals or any other type of material or by reason of any physical and mental abnormality,” the notice states.

Collins declined to comment Friday.

The notice says Collins violated the terms of the consent order issued in May. The state Medical Board alleges that Collins engaged in unprofessional behavior and failed to conform to the ethics of the medical profession.

The Medical Board has scheduled a hearing for Oct. 17 in Raleigh. Collins will be able to present evidence on his behalf.

Collins, 32, was licensed to practice medicine and surgery in January 2005. At that time, he entered into a consent order with the state Medical Board to obtain his license. The board required the consent order because of Collins’ alcohol dependency, his history of abusing substances such as marijuana, and because of his multiple arrests on driving while impaired charges, the notice states. Collins agreed not to use drugs and alcohol.

On Feb. 13, 2006, Collins failed a drug screening when he tested positive for alcohol, the notice states. Collins told state officials he had consumed three shots of Jack Daniels three days prior to the test, the notice states. He told officials he felt frustrated about his work and he allowed the frustration to get to him more than it should have, the notice states.

Collins voluntarily surrendered his license on March 13, 2006. A second consent order was issued July 24, 2006, which suspended Collins’ license indefinitely because of his continued alcohol abuse, the notice stated.

The state Medical Board reinstated his license with a consent order in May. The order specified that Collins had to refrain from using drugs and alcohol.

Collins submitted a form on July 31 to voluntarily surrender his license.

He was practicing at West Primary Urgent Care in Pembroke and Scotland Memorial Hospital in Laurinburg.
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Deadhead420 Offline
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Default 09-08-2007, 03:00 PM

All I gotta say is I would not want that guy as my doctor.
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Twitch Offline
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Default 09-09-2007, 12:03 AM

what the fuck that shits fucked up


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Caveman Offline
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Default 09-09-2007, 01:34 AM

...150? i mean...thats not all.

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Liam Offline
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Default 09-09-2007, 11:07 AM

That's really messed up - whenever I go to the doctors these days I'm always worried they're going to be messed up, I mean imagine how tempting it would be...

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Default 09-09-2007, 11:10 PM

On a side note, I think this is a horribly written article
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infinite Offline
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Default 09-10-2007, 12:37 AM

Badly written yes. 150 is not enough for anyone to experience anything different I believe. But I guess he weighs 100 lbs? Mmmmm

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Samala Offline
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Default 10-18-2007, 08:29 AM

He probably projectile vomited and somebody freaked out and took him to the emergency room.

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