The Dextroverse

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Default 10-24-2003, 03:17 AM


Hwakyung Choi, Yonkyung Yang, Wontack Jin, Heesun Chung and Youngchan Yoo
National Institute of Scientific Investigation, 331-1 Shinwol-dong, Yangchon-ku, Seoul, 158-097, Korea

Due to the easy availability, there has been a growing tendency to abuse the common medicines among young people in Korea. Zipeprol, dextromethorphan, nalbuphine and carisoprodol are among those non-controlled medicines most commonly abused. Among them, dextromethorphan has a long history of abuse. Dextromethorphan, which is an antitussive agent, produces little or no central nervous system depression, but manifestations of an acute overdose include hallucination and toxic psychosis. To obtain a hallucinogenic effect, young people usually take it in large amounts for recreational purpose.

In this study, to estimate the drug abuse history, the determination of dextromethorphan was established by GC/MS. Hair sample was washed with methanol, incubated with methanol (1% HCl) overnight at 37ºC while stirring and extracted using solid phase extraction column on a vacuum manifold.

The calibration curve of dextromethorphan was linear from 5 to 1500 ng (r=0.9997). The percentage of recovery from spiked hair for dextromethorphan was 107.3, 102.7, 105.6, 98.6 and 108.6% at 25, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ng. Hair samples of 7 out of 13 dextromethorphan abusers showed positive results for dextromethorphan. The concentration of dextromethorphan was in the range 2.3 to 466.7 ng/mg in 7 specimens.

"The Dextroverse is moving...
The Dextroverse is somehow being"
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Default 10-24-2003, 01:48 PM

I'm glad this isn't well known or else my parents could take a hair of mine from the drain and get it tested and find out I'm still using dex!
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libel Offline
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Default 10-24-2003, 03:43 PM

Oh, but the news is slowly spreading like wildfire..
Be careful
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Paralysis Offline
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Default 10-25-2003, 12:53 AM

It was bound to happen ...

"paralysis (wow, what spelling)" - Hunter S. Thompson on his first mescaline trip, in the short story 'Mescalito'.
"If you die, and you're in debt, you win." - Ben Creed
"Why do people do drugs anymore? When reality is such a hallucination." - Lewis Black
"I'm gonna turn water... INTO FUNK!!" - Jesus
"Fat chicks need love too... but they have to pay!" - Quagmire
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spud Offline
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Default 10-27-2003, 08:05 AM

Originally posted by musiclover@Oct 24 2003, 12:48 PM
I'm glad this isn't well known or else my parents could take a hair of mine from the drain and get it tested and find out I'm still using dex!
arent you like 24 yeqraes old?d
thats weayk

Nine years into the future and we're still counting the dead and the dying. Still totalling the countless hidden victims of heightened state terror. Still believing the *LIES* of a PEACE and PROSPERITY. Of a peace with a hundred thousand excecuted by disease, of a prosperity with millions living on the streets.
...and I've got to wonder
What the fuck it's gonna take, can it be undone? Can we stem the tide of violence, or are you gonna sit back and relax and watch TV while the fucking have-nots get their heads kicked in over and over and over again?
Are we going to keep counting the policies that failed and the lies that worked. They worked; we SWALLOWED THEM WHOLE.
-Born Against "Nine years later"
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Default 11-26-2003, 01:53 PM

uh this is probably going to sound REALLY stupid but is it possible that I have tolerance because I'm Korean?
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