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PeoplesMind Offline
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Default 09-11-2003, 07:07 PM

Well, seem's theres an upsurge of DXM in the Media Articles... So I've decided to add them all into one large post -PeoplesMind/Nitin

1) Drug charges against CMU student withdrawn
[Editor : This is also a follow-up on a previously posted article]

Criminal charges were withdrawn yesterday against a Carnegie Mellon University student who was accused of being involved in a nationwide drug ring.

At a brief hearing before North Fayette District Justice Anthony Saveikis, the district attorney's office withdrew charges against Mark Parraway, 20, who had been arrested in July at Pittsburgh International Airport for drug possession.

Krzton said Parraway missed a semester of school and had been unable to find work because of the case pending against him. He said all tests completed thus far supported Parraway's innocence.

Parraway contends that he operates a legitimate business in which he buys dextromethorphan in bulk from Boscogen Inc., a California-based company, and then repackages it and sells it to doctors, chemists and researchers.

The substance, Krzton said, is the key ingredient in cough medicine.

Police charged Parraway with three counts of drug possession, two counts of drug possession with intent to deliver and possession of drug paraphernalia.


2) Studies: Kids Abuse Prescription Drugs In Their Own Homes -- Kids Use 'Pharming' To Steal, Distribute Medications To Get High

Prescription drug abuse accounts for one-third of all substance abuse in the United States -- and an increasing number of the abusers are kids.

It's even an alarming teenage trend highlighted in the new movie "Thirteen." Pharming involves kids who steal drugs from their parents' medicine cabinet and officials say it's a cause for concern.

Pat Connors, who is the head of the Substance Abuse Council of Connecticut, said kids will collect and combine the drugs and "pass it [the drugs] around, take a handful, wash it down with whatever they're washing it down with and then sit back to see what happens to them."

Connors said no drug is off limits.

Even over-the-counter medications are being abused. Liquid cold or cough medicines often have alcohol and dextromethorphan, which can produce a temporary high. Cold relief tablets, crushed and snorted, can produce a similar dreamlike state.


3) New Era of Drug Use

Wayne Carrington says that number has to come down. "We've made the effort to eliminate drugs our number one priority."

But for some, finding drugs isn't a case of going to nightclub and finding a dealer. Sometimes the dealer is your local store.

Amanda is 16 years old and in her third month of drug treatment at West Care in Las Vegas. "Drink a whole bottle of Robitussin and you'll be robotarted," she says.

Amanda says, common items such as cough syrup, and diet pills are easy to get and easy to use. It's easy to get high and hide drug use. "I'd do it in my room with my door locked."


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DXmethorphan420 Offline
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Default 09-11-2003, 08:00 PM

robotarded.. heheh i like that one. Ive looked on the internet for sites selling pure Dextromethorphan and never passed over this company Boscogen Inc... anyone ever heard of it? and are they the company that provides dxm to companys like Robitussin, etc.?
Anyways... thanks for the updates PeoplesMind .


See i think drugs have done some good things for us, i really do, and if you dont belive drugs have done some good things for us. Do me a favor, go home tonight and take all your albums, all your tapes, all your cd's and burn em. Cause you know what, the musicians who made all that great music thats enhanced your lives throughout the years.

rrrrrrreal fuckin high on drugs.

__________________________________________________ __

oxycontin.xanax bars.percocet.and lortab.valiums.morphine patches.extacy.and its all up for grab.
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Default 09-12-2003, 08:53 AM

Originally posted by PeoplesMind@Sep 11 2003, 06:07 PM
Cold relief tablets, crushed and snorted, can produce a similar dreamlike state.
ummmm I dont think thats possible.
Educate me here on how dumb these people are.
Reminds me on when a girl told me snorting paracetamol was like cocaine and I laughed my ass off.

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Default 09-12-2003, 10:14 AM

Originally posted by poonige+Sep 12 2003, 07:53 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (poonige @ Sep 12 2003, 07:53 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--PeoplesMind@Sep 11 2003, 06:07 PM
Cold relief tablets, crushed and snorted, can produce a similar dreamlike state.
ummmm I dont think thats possible.
Educate me here on how dumb these people are.
Reminds me on when a girl told me snorting paracetamol was like cocaine and I laughed my ass off.

Simon [/b][/quote]
0ly thing u gona end up with ,zzzzz :sleepy: sleep when ya di!!! right??? life is a motherfucker! 4 real 4 real.
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Default 09-13-2003, 12:58 AM

Liquid cold or cough medicines often have alcohol and dextromethorphan, which can produce a temporary high.
as apposed to those nasty drugs that cause a perminate high

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*ChEmIcAl~DrEaMiN* Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 06:30 PM

Originally posted by )-(@Sep 12 2003, 11:58 PM
Liquid cold or cough medicines often have alcohol and dextromethorphan, which can produce a temporary high.
as apposed to those nasty drugs that cause a perminate high


<span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'font-family:Geneva\'><span style=\'colorrange\'>~aLySsA~</span></span></span>

<span style=\'color:red\'><span style=\'font-size:21pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'font-family:Impact\'>"freefalling thru a pit of mindless, self indulgent lies. The nothingness of absolute crazyness begins and ends with me"</span></span></span>
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