Originally Posted by Dekko Tei'moku
darklife....  I'm loling.
I've NEVER heard of that jolly rancher thing, fucking outrageous.
This is like they copy+pasted random googled shit about DXM...someone needs to release a news article that's non-fucking-bias. /dreams never come true
Actually the articles reporter confused our drug dextromethorphan with a different drug which usually comes in the form of purple syrup called codeine.
The stupid fucking rapper who made that song about sipping syrup was talking about codeine syrup which is often mixed with jolly ranchers and soda by dumb idiots who are fans of Lil Wayne.
The moron who wrote that article completely confused the kind of syrup we drink with "purple drank" and assumed it was the same thing.
Goes to show some people should never have been given a job to be a news reporter. In fact most news reporters should be fired for their idiocy.
I wonder how long it will be before reporters start saying we are using DxM to make meth? It's only a matter of time at this rate.