09-01-2010, 03:56 PM
i love that they are considering adding more things to the list of prohibited substancces, but never question the value of having a "list" at all.
Obviously the war on drugs is not working the way it was intended to, despite the government spending more and more money on it as the years slip by. Instead, we have outsourced what could be a booming national economic market (srsly, who doesnt like at least one mind-altering substance?) to places like Mexico where it funds the less-and-less underground drug cartels who use violence to maintain their power over the money coming in from the states for illicit drugs.
Then we bitch about illegal immigrants who try to escape their slowly collapsing country into the states, the cause of their ills imo. Not to mention all of the drug offenders rotting in jail while rapists or murders serve less time and are back on the streets before you know it.
Prohibition infringes on our rights as individuals. It is not the government's job to tell me what i can or cannot do with my own body, it is to protect the individual from having their rights infringed on. Meanwhile Glenn Beck is telling us all of our country's problems will be solved if we "turn back to god" when clearly these drug laws exist to push a mindset that drugs are some sort of sin and to allow industries such as the cotton/textile market to prosper without the added competition of hemp.
Gahhhh when will we (borrowing from Beck here) "wake up America"?!