Originally Posted by jas_n_p
I't hard for me to find a suitable place to do an extraction, considering I live at a monestary. Not to mention it would get fairly tedious doing an extraction every day plus raising the price of my habit. I know its not a very good excuse but it's all I have. And really Ive been using the crap EVERY day for like 4 years and Im not dead yet, I know that it could happen but it's a risk im willing to take. Besides I'm a firm beliver in fate and that every dog has his day. When the good lord calls me home I will go, until then I guess I'm stuck in this plane of existance. 
There are many powder vendors online. Pure is the only way I dex anymore and ever will again.
But I can understand your position about the extraction and doing it daily. Why not do something with DXM only in it? Like robogels or zicam max? Guaf has been shown to cause kidney stones and stuff at high doses so mucinex isn't smart either (or other guaf containing products).
Maybe get a hobby and stop doing DXM daily? That shit isn't good to do daily. I did what you are doing when I was younger and it is no good. Quit while you are ahead.