02-25-2010, 07:49 PM
I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt with this one.
It pisses me off how they label out vicodin from the cough/cold medicine. Hydrocodone is used for severe coughs as it makes an excellent antitussive and apparently she had pneumonia.
Honestly, with that combination, I bet she did OD accidently and possibly wasn't abusing. Like I said, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt because I liked her and am sick of hearing all these prescription drug OD stories and the media's response to it. Taking that combination of drugs even not on a recreational level and being in poor health with lung problems possibly caused her to suffocate.
I'm just guessing and honestly, it's the people who prescribe all the shit who should be blamed. The drugs themselves aren't bad but when you have little information and your doctor is giving tons of different types of pills, there's bound to be an interaction and problem caused by it. Stop blaming the drugs and blame the prescribers.
EDIT: Spelling mistakes.
Last edited by Durandal; 02-25-2010 at 07:51 PM.