05-16-2009, 03:08 AM
That idea has been brought up before i think, the one about the donations for services one, and I dont think it was met with too much approval. We don't have banner ads here for a reason (or at least ive been told theres a reason, and it makes sense to me). The dextroverse and all of its services, in my opinion, should be free and with the same criteria for all members. I'm assuming that when you (a post or two up or so) say where it is (at), you mean to ask how much is given every month. We did used to have a meter for it on the forum home page, but I don't think that it was updated very often, was a pain in the ass to verify, and didn't really do much good at all.
I can tell you that as far as I know, all of the money goes towards a very small number of things, and the account isnt accessible, except to 2 or 3 people (maybe even one...?), and all of it, every last penny, goes directly into the dextroverse. If you feel inclined to donate, then its something to consider, but I dont think there has ever been even the slightest hint that donating was mandatory, or that you would get large wide recognition for it, goes along with the whole no pop-up ads thing...