07-20-2003, 07:35 PM
"Shareholders at drug maker Schering-Plough Corp.'s annual meeting on Tuesday criticized the board of directors and just-retired chief executive for doing too little to address mounting regulatory and revenue problems that have slashed the stock price."
"Many speakers had harsh words for former CEO Richard Jay Kogan, but they also faulted the board for not addressing urgent problems for years. Several said the board is not responsive to stockholders and releases too little detail on the company's performance."
"You should all resign, or next year we'll put it on the agenda to vote you out," shareholder Joe Kuhta of Bridgewater, N.J., told the 10 board members. "You've done nothing for us."
(Schering-Plough Makes Coricidin)
READ ARTICLE : http://www.newsday.com/business/nationworl...iness-headlines
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