12-30-2003, 04:22 AM
It was only a matter of time before the mainstream media, and all associated cretins, started bawling their little drug warrior eyes out over DXM and what a "terrible threat" it is.
Personally, I'm surprised the pharmaceutical industry isn't a bit more pissed off at the media for defamation of a relatively safe product (even in recreational dosages).
Now that it's all "coming out," the drug community could theoretically use this to their advantage. Of course doing so would result in a big lie. One which we would all have to play along with. That lie being that DXM is dangerous in almost any context, while the opposite is clearly true (for the time being). It probably wouldn't attract the necessary backlash for real progress, though. Still, consider it an exercise in spinning the seemingly bad to your advantage.
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-"Wirehead Hedonism" [http://wireheading.com/index.html]