02-09-2006, 04:15 AM
i just dropped 15 dolla because this is a very well run website. i truly do enjoy coming here and sharing with people and i'm glad there are so many strangefolks here that are REAL. i have rarely come across a site that offers so much accurate information (besides erowid) and where people will really respond to your questions (sometimes even relatively quickly). anyways, just wanted to share my love for tha DV. and thank the moderators, cuz all in all, i think you guys do an excellent job. :thumbsup: peeeeace ninjas
there are 2 moons.
the one that everyone knows
is a reflection in a bucket wearing clothes.
we see reflections.
the second moon is actually the moon.
all happiness comes from the desire for others to be happy.
all misery comes from the desire for oneself to be happy.