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Five Moms Fight OTC Abuse, Hutchinson News - Hutchinson, KS |
drdĒv |
Posted: Jun 15 2007, 07:24 AM |

Santa called me a HO... 3 times!

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For ages, parents have worried about their children skipping school, drinking alcohol or experimenting with drugs.
Now, they have to worry about what's in their medicine cabinet.
Five mothers from across the nation - including one in Hutchinson - have partnered with the Consumer Healthcare Products Association to fight an alarming trend of teenas abusing cough medicine to get high.
Becky Dyer, a school resource officer with the Reno County Sheriff's Office and a mother of three, was one of the mothers chosen to be a part of the Five Moms Campaign.
Dyer said she started researching the problem earlier this year, after a 13-year-old Reno County boy nearly died from an overdose on cold medicine.
"When kids abuse cough medicine, they aren't just taking a couple of doses, they're taking the entire box of medicine," Dyer said. "They think since it's an over-the-counter medication and it's in most homes, it won't hurt them."
The healthcare products group, which represents the nation's cough medicine manufacturers, has helped launch the campaign online as well. The association is tracking reports of cough medicine abuse across the country.
According to the educational and interactive Web site, www.fivemoms.com, roughly 10 percent of young people ages 12 to 17 - almost 2.4 million kids - have reported intentionally abusing cough medicine to get high. But only 4 percent of parents believe their children may have abused cough medicine to get high.
The Web site also notes the "high" is caused by consuming a large amount of dextromethorphan, the active ingredient in many over-the-counter cough medicines. Slang names for this ingredient include: Dex, DXM, Skittles, syrup, Tussin, triple-C and CCC.
Virginia Cox, vice president of communications at healthcare products association, said the Five Moms Campaign was formed in part because of activity discovered on the Internet.
"We realized kids were going to the Internet about this issue and getting information about how to abuse cough medicine online," Cox said. "We wanted to create a grassroots campaign to call parents to action."
Teenagers have posted videos promoting abuse of cough medicine on popular social networking sites, including MySpace, YouTube, LiveJournal and Facebook.
Cox said the Five Moms Campaign and the healthcare group have responded with an online campaign that educates parents on substance abuse with medicine and encourages them to talk to their children about the risks of abusing medicine.
The Five Moms Campaign has an awareness video posted on YouTube. Cox said response to the online campaign has been phenomenal, with more than 5,000 hits to the YouTube video.
Cox said parents can go to an online community at Gather.com to talk about the issue with other parents and share ideas on how to combat abuse of cough medicine.
"We've reached millions of parents already in just a month of the campaign," Cox said.
The Partnership for a Drug-Free America encourages teens to "make up your own mind" about DXM by visiting dxmstories.com, where they can get reliable information through medical research, news sources and even other teens who have abused the substance.
Dyer, who works with the D.A.R.E. program in Reno County, said there are plans for awareness on cough medicine abuse to be implemented into the program starting this fall.
Already, Dyer has flown to New York City to appear on the "FOX and Friends" TV show, and she has traveled to Washington, D.C., twice to promote the campaign. She plans to continue to spread the word locally by talking to organizations, including the PTA.
"It's something that's easily overlooked," Dyer said of the potential danger in cough medicine. "Parents need to safeguard what's in their medicine cabinet - to keep their house safe and their children safe."
Cough medicine abuse is a dangerous trend among children and teenagers. Parents can protect their children by ... Educating themselves and their friends
Communicating with their children
Safeguarding the medicine cabinet
Monitoring their children's online activity
Is your teen abusing cough medicine? Here are some signs to watch for:
Empty cough medicine boxes or bottles in the trash, or boxes and bottles missing from the medicine cabinet
Visiting pro-drug Web sites that provide details on how to abuse dextromethorphan
Changes in friends, physical appearance, or sleeping and eating patterns
Declining grades
Loss of interest in hobbies or favorite activities
Hostile, uncooperative attitude
Unexplained disappearance of household money
Unusual chemical or medical smells on your child or in his or her room
-------------------- Growing old is mandatory... growing up is optional. ;)
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Kalu |
Posted: Jun 15 2007, 09:24 AM |

you are now level: Kensho

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QUOTE | Visiting pro-drug Web sites that provide details on how to abuse dextromethorphan | ..yay! that's us! .
eazyb |
Posted: Jun 15 2007, 05:05 PM |

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QUOTE (drdĒv @ Jun 15 2007, 07:24 AM) | Visiting pro-drug Web sites that provide details on how to abuse dextromethorphan
I'll have to call bullshit on this. Who says it's "abuse"? If the kids are going to use it would be better to have information on responsible dexing widely available to them. Censorship and fear mongering just doesn't cut it. Incidentally, for people who drink to get drunk is it automatically labeled "abuse" when the person chooses to not get behind the wheel and place the public at risk? Or how about the chain-smoking nicotine enthusiasts out there?
I've been watching the wheels go around on this. And the big piece of hysteria being propagated is by making the false equality of claiming DXM is an opiate like heroin. Thus, the mere that DXM *IS* heroin is placed in the public's mind.
Propaganda entities and special interest groups/lobbies such as DARE and The Partnership For A Drug Free America (much less the Five Stupid Reactionary Moms) help to disseminate such misinformation in an effort to stir up enough hysteria so that new bodies can be placed within the multi-BILLION dollar recovery treatment system: A system where instead of learning how to quit the users learn to become victims, develop an iatrogenic hypochondria known as "chronic addictive disease" and become ensnared within a pro-addiction religious cult of always-using (euphemized as "relapsing") drugged-up 12-Stepping con artists.
Again, kids will always be kids and sometimes kids do things out of pure curiosity right on down to pure stupidity (just like adults). I'd rather have kids learn to be responsible one way or another for their actions than steered down the therapeutic state's poisonous "primrose" path of personal victimhood. The only thing that needs to be unlearned is an evil societial taboo concerning any victimless and responsible drug use.
I believe that their are more responsible drug users out there than the tiny minority that can't handle their high or are woefully ignorant of a drug's effects (good and bad). I'd rather side with a responsible user than any pathological mouthpiece of the therapeutic state. |
Scynne |
Posted: Jun 15 2007, 07:22 PM |

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QUOTE (eazyb @ Jun 15 2007, 03:05 PM) | QUOTE (drdĒv @ Jun 15 2007, 07:24 AM) | Visiting pro-drug Web sites that provide details on how to abuse dextromethorphan
I'll have to call bullshit on this. Who says it's "abuse"? If the kids are going to use it would be better to have information on responsible dexing widely available to them. Censorship and fear mongering just doesn't cut it. | amen brother!
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Kang |
Posted: Jun 16 2007, 01:54 AM |

I was Mike

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QUOTE (drdĒv @ Jun 15 2007, 05:24 AM) | medical smells on your child or in his or her room | "Jimmy why do your room smell like lemony freshness and sterile gauze?"
Everything is relevant.
Homon |
Posted: Jun 17 2007, 05:20 AM |
GRrrr! Homon Smash Fourth Wall! GRrr!!

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Bloody moms. 'Fighting' for a drug-free America? What the hell does that even mean (er, besides the obvious)?!!?
I'm gonna 'fight' for a mom-free America, and I'm gonna get attractive people to adorn my website, not a bunch of uninteresting, square-looking milf rejects.
Excuse me, lacking sleep, brb.
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QUOTE (Homon's Brain @ Nov 6 2007, 07:44 AM) | It (dex) is an amplifier. |
eazyb |
Posted: Jun 18 2007, 08:32 PM |

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QUOTE (Homon IV @ Jun 17 2007, 05:20 AM) | Bloody moms. 'Fighting' for a drug-free America? What the hell does that even mean (er, besides the obvious)?!!? |
This WORLD will NEVER be drug free. The only people who have a problem with drugs are those who can't handle their high (the minority composed of chronically ignorant users and the uptight neoprohibitionists).
And, just because I though I was tweakin' pretty good on my dex, I though I was experiencing deja vu. Turns out their talking points are repeated:
Didn't I mention that they were a bunch of fascist mindless drones?
As far as the battle of liberty versus fascism continues in my neighborhood (Pittsburgh PA) the neoprohibitionists are crying about their soundly defeated smoking ban. It was rules unconstitutional for one reason: As long as it doesn't harm any other nonconsenting adult or property then it's a victimless "crime".
Coincidentially, the claim is that nicotine is as "addictive" as heroin. Really? If I can quit smoking cold turkey over a decade ago then what's their excuse? And, if I kicked nicotine and it's like heroin then I have the big secret on how to end addiction once and for all. And DXM is equated with heroin, too, by these know-nothing goosesteppers.
The more I think about it ol' Eazy gets rather uneasy. Such is the price of liberty: Eternal vigilance...
This post has been edited by eazyb on Jun 18 2007, 08:33 PM |
reaktor |
Posted: Jun 19 2007, 01:12 AM |
Plateau Sigma

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Lol Reno.
DXM is good for you. |
Arm |
Posted: Jun 20 2007, 01:20 AM |
Dextroverse Guru

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Check out the web site Five Moms. http://www.fivemoms.com/
Five Moms sounds like the title of a MILF porno. Ide hit all 5 of them! And before I do, ill drink some Nyquil and offer them some.
This post has been edited by Arm on Jun 20 2007, 01:23 AM |
Undefined |
Posted: Jun 20 2007, 01:55 AM |
Second Plateau

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See my thread on this:
http://www.dextroverse.org/forums/index.ph...=ST&f;=9&t;=43972 |
Myth |
Posted: Jun 30 2007, 02:15 AM |
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Funny story relating to five moms, but requires a little background...
When i had just turned 18, i was living with my father, I sort of started a dxm binge that didnt end for a long time, mostly out of sheer bordem and things just plain not going well enough in life for me want to do anything else.
But one night, around the time i started dosing 2 bottles of gels by default, i sat in the living room at my dads, reaching a high third plateau and as i peaked, i started to "fade" in and out, as if time was freezing, and i would just go blank, etc (i was 'day dreaming', there was a lady there, a friend of my dad and his wifes and i was overcome by the resemblence she had to a troll or grimlin type creature.
Dad, immediately notices, asks me what the hell I am on. I was truthful , and i told him robitussin... he had NEVER heard of this type of drug use, so his response is "yeah .. right .. give me the keys to your car" (the car was locked)
So good ol' dad goes out, and searches my car (much like the police, only he isnt as clever), his search didnt take long, he discovered my robitussin graveyard that was under my seat and retreated to the house. He walks in the door and says "You've got a problem"
Now, to the relevance.. the other day I am at my dads house, and he is checking his email.. and guess who I see spam from? thats right Five Moms... I couldn't help but chuckle, because I had read this thread some time earlier.. I said "five moms" aloud as I was chuckling, and he said "Whats that?" i was like "Spam, just a bunch of bullshit" so he marked it as spam and that was the end of five moms at his house.
-------------------- - M y t h - |
mistformshadow |
Posted: Aug 29 2007, 07:59 AM |
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QUOTE | According to the educational and interactive Web site, www.fivemoms.com, roughly 10 percent of young people ages 12 to 17 - almost 2.4 million kids - have reported intentionally abusing cough medicine to get high. But only 4 percent of parents believe their children may have abused cough medicine to get high. |
I did the math on these statistics. The estimated US world population right now is 302,728,036 people[1]. If we divide 2,400,000 by 302,730,000 we get a result of .007927 or roughly 8%.
I hate people who do crap like this for persuasion. I never believe statistics when I hear them. I never did in school and I don't do so now. Ok, they should EDUCATE people on the dangers of using this stuff (mainly CCC's) but that doesn't mean to freak the f*** out on everybody. This is why we have communities like this, the DV, to educate people and also explore this alternate style.
BTW, Just by my calculations, they are claiming 3 million kids (not 2.4m) said they do it. They also failed to mention specifically if the 4% of parents who do believe their kids have abused parents have c hildren between their census ages of 12-17. Lets say they had a 16 year old and an 18 year old. What if they suspected the 18 year old but not the 16 year old? They could still be considered in this census group(possibility, not saying I know everything about how they gathered their statistics).
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